Can you identify this Chrysler grill?


Old Man with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Sep 14, 2012
Reaction score
London, Ohio
I just saw this sitting at the job site were I'm working. I'll be the first to say I'm a newby Mopar owner. This is personally the first Chrysler of this one have ever seen.


Can't see enough to make an educated guess, but that looks more like a home made grill to me. The grill looks almost like an air conditioner grill (or something similar) and the letters look like vinyl stick-ons. I can't read the little tag in the lower left corner. Was it on the car, or was the radiator, condenser and grill just sitting on the job site?
I believe Chrysler Corp. made residential A/C units in the '60's. That looks to be part of the exterior shroud of one of those units. The tag in the lower left is the Chrysler Air Temp logo.
You guys are too good. I can't seem to get the full photo. It is indeed a wall AC unit

This Airtemp for buildings brochure came with my 1970 Chrysler
The colision shop my buddy owns where my `68 Road Runner is has several old hvac units in it, all are Chryslers.
Chrysler Airtemps could occasionally be found in motel rooms when I went on vacation to the USA with my folks in the '60s and '70s. As a car-crazy kid, this was a bit of a thrill, just as the purchase of a Frigidaire by GM refrigerator or a Philco Ford TV set did (we had one of each - the TV was a dud but the fridge was built like a battleship). The same held true for Chrysler boats and outboard motors, of which I was convinced had to be the best ever based on the name alone.

I have yet to see one of the home stereo systems sold - or at least allegedly offered for sale - by Chrysler dealers around 1970 or so which are shown in accessory catalogs. Why they were trying to sell home stereos is another question, but I have never seen one and would be interested in the background story.