Carpet Pad


Jul 5, 2018
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Does anyone know where to get this correct carpet padding for a 1962 Crown?


Your local home carpet store should have a variety of different carpet padding, one of them should be close.

Normal jute padding was used back then. Probably 1" thick? Jute can become quite dusty, so be advised.
Your padding looks like it has the tar/rubber backing on the jute finer mat. You could use Fat mat or Dana mat type sound deadening and then the dry jute padding on top of that to retain the quiet comfortable interior.
In our then-new '69 Chevy pickup truck, under the bare carpet were some patches of a tar-like sticky material covered with a thin layer of white plastic fluffy material, two separate items, but worked together. The white item similar to what is between a brake backing plate and the rear axle housing for sound isolation functions. That GM stuff is in repro at some of the GM pickup truck repro vendors. The DynaMat-type stuff will work better, I suspect. Plus available from lots of places.


The issue is they really don't sell the jute material that looks like that anymore. Modern stuff is a bit different, and nobody is going to make reproduction padding that's cut to the original shape.

40 oz. "jute" is ~ 1/2" thick, 27 oz. is ~3/8" and 20 oz. is ~ 1/4" thick. It's going to be darker in color and different in texture. I suggest making a pattern from paper and transferring to the new material.

I've bought from this suppler with good results.
Thanks for the lead. I know the original stuff was heavier I think. Like a dummy I threw it all away and didn't keep any...