Cars and coffee cruise this past weekend.


Illegitimi non carborundum
FCBO Gold Member
May 21, 2013
Reaction score
Marcellus, NY
I grabbed a couple pics of our local Saturday morning cruise.

These two race cars were street legal and drove in!

Really nice 60 T Bird.

My old car showed up.

Nice Charger

Sport Satellite vert

Are you serious?

Serious... Saw him drive in and drive out. Registration and state inspection stickers on windshield. The other car was a genuine 60's vintage ex race car too.
I went to ah C+C this past Saturday too. 'Bout 200 carz with 3 Mopars in attendance. Ah '64 Valiant V-200, Ah '65 Dodge with ah dual quad sittin' on ah rat roaster intake and the owner actin' so snooty nobody waz talkin' to him, and then there waz ah 1937 Dodge panel van-wagon? NOT AH HUMPBACK Survivor and I never did see the owner of the valiant or the '37 Dodge. I counted 17 Mini Cooperz, I stopped counting current generation Mustangz at 20 and the spattering of Ricerz and new bow tiez wasn't worth even counting. Come on Carlisle
It's even nicer in person. Especially the color.

Love the color. I was chasing after a 65 880 Convertible in teal when I located Jezebelle. It had been a pain in the butt dealing with the seller and he ended up loosing a sure sale of his car. It was a nice one though.

65dodge 880 conv.jpg

65dodge 880 conv 2.jpg
Went again this morning. Weather was near perfect and a great turnout. I grabbed some pics of some of the cars that I rarely see.

My good buddy Harry's 64 Plymouth. This car is nicer than the pics.

Another friends car. He's owned this since the late sixties. It was even stolen once. 67 GTX

How about a 54 Vette with 38K miles.

Incredible 56 Caddy Eldo Seville.

When's the last time you saw one of these? 67 Catalina 2+2.
