Chrome polish

Senator Leahy

Active Member
Feb 9, 2014
Reaction score
Can anyone tell me of a product that will get rid of these white spots on the chrome trim and knobs?

Posted via Topify using iPhone/iPad


Those are pits from corrosion. You will never get rid of them. At best you can only polish away the corrosion. The pits will remain.
I'll have to try that Big John but I've had great results with Never Dull.
I've used oxalic acid on chrome and had very good results. It won't take the pits away, but it will clean up the chrome nicely. I used deck wash from Home Depot.

Here's a link to the HAMB. Be sure to go to the linked bike thread.
did you dilute the deck was with any water or just use straight wash? sounds like a good trick, maybe i can add a bottle of it into my next deck job.

actually my car doesnt have much rust, i'm just looking for something to "spruce"up the chrome trim. I will lokk for some never dull today at the hardware store when i get a switch for my skilsaw. i dont care if the pits come completely out of the knobs and trim but i just want to clean it up a bit. thanks for the help.
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The Never Dull will do just what you need it to and its readily available, cheap and the can is full of its own saturated applicator. I used it on quite a bit of the interior chrome on my Imp. and I swear you'll think the pits went away on some of the parts, we know they didn't but that's how clean it was after. Some balled up aluminum foil works well in the mix too.
ive used alot of OA bath. it kicks ***. you MUST oil up the part afterwards or it will start rusting. somewhere on here is pics of my roger de coster soaking and before/after pics.
and you must make the bath in your old ladys bathtub for best results.
if you dont know who roger d is, go google him. hes the man.
I didn't dilute the deck wash.

I bought some OA crystals on eBay but haven't used them yet. Just be careful with diecast.

Posted via Topify on Android
XXX steel wool and brake clean or WD40 will clean the part up, (pits don't go away), After that any good chrome polish will work .... I like brite boy or wenol.
never dull is a wadding and will snag on the corrosion. i also use #0000 steel wool to polish and windex to finish it off. if you are extremely careful you can take a fine file to smooth out the bumps some. don't try to get them completely level or you will ruin the surrounding chrome.
Just googled it, stuff looks like it works pretty good. Gonna have to look for it at the hardware store

I have had great success with using the nevr-dull to "wet" the part, then using the 0000 steel wool to help with the process, it saves on the elbow grease. Recently I started using a cleaning pad like "scotch-Brite", but made by Norton (I think). It says it is the equivalent of 0000 steel wool, it works great. I'll try to find the label and snap a pic. Same process though, wet it first with the unicorn milk they put in nevr-dull, then scrub with the pad, then let the nevr-dull haze over and buff with a rag, then enjoy your reflection.