Chrome trim


Active Member
Sep 12, 2022
Reaction score
Kingsport tn
How do I get the windshield chrome off without breaking it or bending it


My '57 has a rubber gasket like yours does. My windshield trim screws on but the rear window slides off. The trim on my rear window fits in a channel in the rubber gasket. Once I remove the end pieces at the top corners the side trim slides off the gasket going up towards the top. the top piece that goes across the window then slides off towards the back of the car (rear window trim). Your front may be similar. Hopefully someone with a car like yours will chime in.
@stu’s68furyiiirat - I missed on my initial description for the lower trim... - I've edited this post to try to correct.
To take off the bottom piece: **There is a screw-in retainer at each end of the bottom trim** - up underneath the fender/A-pillar - you get to them with the door(s) opened. Once those retainers are out, carefully pry the trim retaining clips up and out of their holes.



Once bottom trim is removed, work your way up A-pillar trim, and then across roof line trim. I use the top tool in this image. Bottom tool does pretty much the same thing, I believe. These tools release the clips one at a time by "retracting" them out of the trim's "lip".


(10/25 Edit for better clarity - presumably)
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Go slow and easy on this thin trim. A screw driver will leave your trim banana shaped. I was lucky I found a very experienced trim guy that straightened and polished for me after I got in a hurry and thought I could ease it with a screw driver and putty knife.