Cool Video of 60's CA

I' loved that video. I'll watch a whole movie just to see scenes like that.
The "newest" car I saw was a 67 Ford wagon. I wonder where all those station wagons have gone to.....

Thanks for posting Chris.
I' loved that video. I'll watch a whole movie just to see scenes like that.
The "newest" car I saw was a 67 Ford wagon. I wonder where all those station wagons have gone to.....

Thanks for posting Chris.
Your welcome Will. Did you notice how many wagons were down at the beach? I guess surfers really did love wagons.
Model year 1967 was the latest I could see. Wish I could walk inside.
Thankz Chris. Left SoCal in the fall of '61 but spent more spare time cruisin' Santa Monica and Sunset Blvdz then on Ocean Blvd. up 'til that time, and mostly on 2 wheelz 'sted ah 4 in those dayz. It still getz me tah fantasizin' an feelin' all warm 'n fuzzy. Double thumbz up Pal.
I was scared to see so many beetles.
They are still out in the LA area today