Correct trunk mat search 65 Chrysler

Mar 4, 2022
Reaction score
Lee, MA
Hello everyone.
I have a 65 Newport that I'm planning to restore to high detail. The trunk mat has proven to be a tough one. This is my 2nd 65, over the years I've seen plenty of parts cars and only found remants of the original mat. Best I can tell it was rubber with a carpeted look to it. The mat pieces are always hard and brittle so I'm sure people gathered what they could and threw it out. I've been able get aftermarket side panels but not the mat. I did get a black carpet mat, nicely fit and trimmed but I know its wrong. Anyone in a similar situation ? I'm thinking NOS but thats a loooong shot and have had no luck. Any clues out there ? This old gal has come a long way since being saved from the woods and deserves the right trunk mat !
Thanks for any leads.
Good luck, amigo. My 66 was exactly the same style. It came out in vacuum size pieces. This came up a year or so ago in another thread. As best as I can tell, no one makes the textured black rubber style.
Let me know if you find one - most "nice" cars I see at shows have carpeted mats in the back, I guess this is the reason.
BEST alternative would be to upgrade to the New Yorker factory trunk carpet. Still use your existing side cover items. Don't forget to do a spare tire cover, too.

ONE observed issue with those molded rubber trunk mats (used up to about 1968 in Chryslers!) was that they provided a vapor barrier between the trunk floor and the rest of the luggage compartment. First time I gently pulled up the trunk mat in our '66 Newport, there was moisture in all of the stiffening ribs in the trunk floor panel. NO rear window leaks on the '66 Newport Town Sedan, but moisture accumulated from temperature changes. Luckily, the paint and seal on that panel were thick and intact. When I got my '70 Monaco Brougham, no evidence of accumulated moisture in that trunk floor pan.

So . . . get trunk carpet to match the interior carpet and go on down the road. It'll look better, anyway.
