Did ya REALLY think they'd stay put

And there are rumors that this dip **** and his dad were behind getting those guys released and are working with the taliban and will go back to them after this settles down.
It disgusted me to see his father in front of the White House (WITH the President no less) speaking in arabic.....and that's bullshit about his son not remembering english...they must think we are really stupid people. Absolutely made me seething mad, and yet there's a Sgt. being held by the Mexicans (our Ally?) in a squalid jail that this President will do absolutely nothing to extricate. When will people wake the hell up.
We are stupid because not only did we let him get elected but reelected and now no one has the stones to stand up and throw his *** in jail where he belongs.
Another terrible travesty that this administration thinks that they are entitled to do. I cannot add anything more to the honest outrage that I see here. As someone that everyday fights perceptions and the liberal group think here in Oregon, the only thing that I can say is that you write to your Congressional representation and express your outrage. They do read and count the emails and letters sent to them. They are all driven by poll numbers.
My thoughts, and whatever they are worth to you all.
Six soldiers died looking for his AWOL ***.
And that is what bothers me most. The guy needs to be tried. Of course we will be made to believe he was some kind of hero by the media, not a drunk deserter.
I doubt the cnn's of the world will bring that point to the forefront. It's not even on their front page.
From the beginning the whole story stunk so bad to me that I was going to post about it but I decided not to for various reasons.
The part that's killing me is the stench gets worse by the day and the WH is in full battle spin control.
I am now absolutely convinced that Obama is the result of years of a deliberate planned radical Muslim infiltration of the American government. I never in a !million years years thought that I of all people would start sounding like a whacko conspiracy theorist but now I have no choice. He is my worst nightmare come true.

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From the beginning the whole story stunk so bad to me that I was going to post about it but I decided not to for various reasons.
The part that's killing me is the stench gets worse by the day and the WH is in full battle spin control.
I am now absolutely convinced that Obama is the result of years of a deliberate planned radical Muslim infiltration of the American government. I never in a !million years years thought that I of all people would start sounding like a whacko conspiracy theorist but now I have no choice. He is my worst nightmare come true.

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I thought that was another wacko conspiracy theory as well.....but now I'm not so sure, and it scares me.
Forty-plus scandals with this Administration, and they keep right on going with impunity. They can take that current meme of "we knew nothing about it until we heard about it on CNN/MSNBC/TMZ!" and shove it.
And now Obama is putting such severe limits on coal emissions, it will be like turning power plants into air purifiers. So while we are stifling our economy to the point we'll have to pay a dollar per kilowatt, the developing countries will continue pouring pollutants into the atmosphere unchecked.
WHY??? I want to know why he's destroying the American economy even as horrible as it always is.
Is his manifesto to reduce our value so cheap that China, et al can completely take over the management of the U.S.? We are going there.

Oh, wait. I'm sorry. I'm just an ex-truck driver too stupid to breath without a nanny.
Stan, You are not just a truck driver! You are what they call mainstream America!
Now don't get me started on the impacts to the country with the "War on Coal" (ya did!) I have been mining or working in the coal industry for over 39 years. The situation now is absolutely disgusting! But, you all do not want to hear the rant of old coal miner. The rest of the world I now moving more towards coal fired power plants, particularly after the Fukishima disaster. The US will be left with high priced and less available electricity if we continue on the path set out by this administration. Change is good, eh?
Mainstream America? You're kidding right? That part of America has been decimated to where it is now only a toothless mongrel that can only bark while being packed into kennel with a seven day holding period...

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Mainstream America? You're kidding right? That part of America has been decimated to where it is now only a toothless mongrel that can only bark while being packed into kennel with a seven day holding period...

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Shaking my head....

By the way, gentlemen, it is preposterous to make the assertion that a particular administration has changed anything.

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