Does this look like daffodil yellow paint?


New Member
Jun 20, 2018
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Northeast Ohio
I know it's pretty much impossible to know by looking at a picture, but just wanted opinions. This car was originally mint green metallic. Was repainted several years ago but just trying to figure out if it was maybe painted in a 67 year mopar color. I love the color by the way, but will need to get some touch up work done in the future. I ordered an old color paint chart on Ebay for
67 models.
Don't know, man. I know it's a Dodge but this one is cream and looks similar to yours but again, from a picture who knows?
I think it looks authentic.

It's also what I'd do with an orginal green interior car*

*under certain conditons. I also think F8 looks good.
It does resemble daffodil yellow on websites that I've seen for what it's worth. It really is closer to a cream than a yellow though.
I think it looks authentic.

It's also what I'd do with an orginal green interior car*

*under certain conditons. I also think F8 looks good.
This is actually an original black interior car. Confirmed by the fender tag.
This is daffodil yellow on a car I painted. Look how much the lightning changes it in pictures. Can't tell for sure in pics.
The "heat" of the light in the "white" spectrum can really affect things, compared to "daylight"! Check it out at your local home improvement store, in the light bulb section. "Daylight" compared to "soft white", "warm white", "kitchen/bath white", etc.

GJS is your's equivalent to daffodil?
I'm not sure how it crosses up between Chrysler and Dodge but just based on the pictures (which isn't saying a lot) they look close.