

Senior Member
Nov 12, 2014
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San Luis Obispo, CA
Major cyberstalking scandal at Ebay. Listen to the briefing linked below. The amount of effort that the ebay executives employed in their harassment towards a couple in Natick, MA is unreal.
I can't believe how vindictive silicon valley can be....makes me want to rethink using "feebay" from now on. But am I surprised....not entirely.

Gotta admit that sending **** to the neighbors is creative.
We had a "cyber attack" on our company website almost 20 years ago. My business partner had a suspicion where it came from and he was able to track it down. The hacker had bounced it all over the world, but underestimated him. While we couldn't prove it 100%, it ended up coming from a small town in NY State. Very small town... We knew an employee at our competition (our ex employers) lived there and he was quite capable of hacking into websites.

Knowing him, I don't think he would do that unless he was asked to. His boss was the type of guy that would ask too.

Yea... Fortune 500 company... I'm sure the guys up the food chain would not have approved, but down in the trenches, we were considered a threat.

We did manage to get the online service he was using to cut him off (although that service wouldn't tell us if it was him) and I'm sure that wasn't any fun given that was the only game in the little town.
WOW, talk about "F***ed up: I know six people who are going to be happy going to jail now that they are unemployed. Their is also a couple who will be getting a very large sum of money soon.
That’s crazy. Is there anybody left who believes these big tech companies with unending resources are benevolent giants out to make our lives better while wanting nothing in return ? It’s time to break these companies up. Sucks to come to that but none of these nuts can be trusted to police themselves.
That’s crazy. Is there anybody left who believes these big tech companies with unending resources are benevolent giants out to make our lives better while wanting nothing in return ? It’s time to break these companies up. Sucks to come to that but none of these nuts can be trusted to police themselves.
Much like government in general.
Wow. Somebody is going to be sitting damn pretty in retirement soon! List your parts before fees skyrocket! That's got to be at least 10 million to settle out of court.
It's not surprising other than having so many co- conspiritors it one racket.