Eight killed in bloody weekend in Baltimore

1978 NYB

Legendary Member
Apr 16, 2011
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Another typical weekend in Charm City...Two dozen shot and eight killed.


Juanita Walker stood just steps from where her son was killed two days earlier and addressed a crowd of at least 100 people, sobbing and yelling to be heard.
"Y'all young people, you think because you're young that it might not be your time," she told the crowd at a candlelight vigil Sunday for Andre Witherspoon, 27. She said she spoke to her son 20 minutes before he was shot, just after 1 p.m. Friday in the 900 block of Ducatel St. in the Reservoir Hill neighborhood.
"We all get caught up. The environment told him, tricked him, made him believe that he had to go this way," she said. "My heart is heavy because I know he got four kids."

Read more: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/ma...olence-20130623,0,6005178.story#ixzz2X8dVXp5D
Yep, I'm sure he was the pillar of the neighborhood!!!
Every time some maggot wannbe gangstah gets killed, the mandatory response by his friends reported in the newspapers is:
He waz a gud keyaid. He waz jus startin to turn hees life around...
Sure he was.
My step son and his family just moved out of there and I couldn't be happier. It always bothered me when Mrs. Big John would go down to visit by herself.
My step son and his family just moved out of there and I couldn't be happier. It always bothered me when Mrs. Big John would go down to visit by herself.

They should burn the entire city to the ground!

