Exhaust id


Old Man with a Hat
Nov 20, 2014
Reaction score
Around Town
Got this exhaust manifold with a bunch of parts, did the google thing with no results. Anyway here's the pics. Thanks in advance! The date is hard to read, but looks like 10168.
Exhaust pipe bolts on vertical instead of horizontal, yes i agree its hp, rv?
The manifold was also used on 383 Two barrel C body cars if equipped with the three speed manual column shift.(Had to clear the linkage)
Remember reading sometime back that manifold is popular with the guys building BB A-bodies.
Ask "Rhinodart" over on Moparts. It may be worth a few bucks.
What's the casting number?
Oh yes, there it is right there in the first picture. I'm working from a wireless hotspot created by my phone with limited service so the pics don't always show up right away.
I don't get over to moparts much anymore.

Funny its used with 2bbl and not 4bbl being HP and all.

Finding more info online today
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The unit was used on all four barrel engines.(383 and 440 HP because it is an HP Manifold) It's just that the linkage of the Manual column shift was in the way of the standard Two barrel manifold, and the Auto application wasn't.
Being an old fart, I can act like I know something! Fortunately, I can go out and look at an old Chrysler and refresh my memory. All that Info and a Buck gets me a cup of coffee. But Old Mopars are sure a lot of fun, and helping people out makes it all worth it.