So az not to offend any sensitivities of ah Hi-Jacking and because I kinda like Scenic Cruiserz too 'cept for no chocolate mintz on the pillow, I'll ask my own question for those of us that have spent way too many dayz 'n nitez lookin at the white lines on the street. To the point: Any of you Guyz ever think of picking an old long nose Day cab tractor and do a glider in reverse and hang ah condo on it and go trailor truckin'? I personally looked for a Pre WWII to do it to + with and the closest I ever found az a possible donor waz ah '38 Aharns Fox Fire Truck(loved the kick A$$ siren in the nose) Had the donor late model Pete roll over all set up for the swap sittin' in ah large car wreckin' yard in Toledo. And then went to war with my Bride over pullin' too much from the long term Nest Egg. In retrospect I wish I'da fought harder and won that battle. 20-25K iz chicken feed lookin' back at the big picture now. OH, and for the unknowing outside the industry ah GLIDER iz putting a new cab and railz and every thing else together with and older engine, transmission and drive train. We have ah whole bunch of time for the mind to wander out there to if yah never figured that one out. ... AND Commando sir, If you'd like ah picture of my '66 5 window A-100 /6/727 all in factory white az inspiration, shoot my your address again and it'z on the way. No Bill Golden wheel stander but just az much fun, Jer