FOP - Fraternal Order of Police - 10 greatest cop cars of all time.............

i always defer to the people who drove them and - and more likely than many civilians - KNOW what these cars could do.

If one's life (an officer) depended on it, one might have a different view of what a car can do than someone like me (just a collector after the fact).

i have owned three of these on the list as DD's .. Caprice 9C1, Camaro BC4, and Mustang SSP. My favorite all around was the Caprice...big, fast, indestructible, and i could carry my stuff.

My friend has the Caprice PPV - that thing'll pin your ears back and give you goosebumps (might be rev-limited tho - not that we drove it that fast, but zero-to-100mph was a blast).

again, all viewed through the lens of a layman like me. your results may vary :icon_profileright: