Found some MOPAR history by accident today


Senior Member
Mar 2, 2011
Reaction score
Carlisle, Pa
This morning we decided to stop for breakfast at a local place on Hanover Street named "Kay's Diner". I'm always interested in the local history so I walked around the restaurant and found some old pics of the place. Turns out it is not the orig bldg that was on the site, current one prob built around 1900 or so, BUT 2 of the pics show it back around 1940 or so and it was a Dodge/Plymouth dealer! I think the name was "Feltrow Motors" based on what I saw in the pic but i'm not sure. There is a wrecker in one of the pics and you can see at least one car inside the showroom.

Going to try to swing over to the historical society this week to see if I can dig any more info up as I cannot find anything online that confirms/denies this. Anyone know of a national database anywhere that might list the dealership? I did find this but it does not list anything:
Ok, found something........was called Fetrow Motors (no L as I orig had it spelled), address was 203 S. Hanover St, Carlisle, was around until at least 1951. They had ads in the Carlisle HS yearbook.

I love this stuff, found a place 10 years ago that used to be a Caddy dealer but is now torn down, now this, going to see what else I can dig up on it. Will try to find a few pics to post.
fixed it.......and found another old dodge dealership:


This one may have been around long enough to order a new fusey from.

Just think....if you had your location in your profile, we'd know where you were talking about.
This is what I have so far is anyone is interested. Any updates let me know.

1970cat - ?Central NY
1978 NYB - BobAberdeen, Maryland
1Fury1 - Terry
300cruiser - Mike
300rag - PeterCarstairs, Alberta
53ryder - GlennBrier, WA
65Fury440 - ?West Central FL.
66/440 - GlennSpring, TX
66SportFury - John?, NJ
67-Fury - ZachMilton PA
67Monaco - BillPotato
68-300 - AlexHerkenbosch, Netherlands
68blackbird - Kel
68Nwprt - Kevin
68plymouth383 - JasonBoerne, TX
69FuryIIIConvertible - Nick
70Bigblockdodge - Davesouthwestern pa
70Nport - Gary
73Coupe - ?Burlingame, CA
78brougham - KennyWellsboro, PA
78NYB - Bob
AAR65 - Andy
Aidan1976 - Aidan
Amazinblue82 - RayMichigan
azblackhemi - ChrisWaddell, AZ
Badvert65 - ?Brightwood, Virginia
Bajajoaquin - Jonathan
Big blubber - ?Great Britain
Big_John - John.Syracuse, NY.
Bigbarneycars - Jerry
BigCRig - ? Colorado
bluefury361 - WillAlabama
Bryan - BryanNorth Dakota
bulldogchesty - Dave
C body Bob - BobYoungsville, NC
ceebuddy - Dan
chris53190 - ChrisWhitewater, Wisconsin
Chryslerdude - KasperDenmark
Commander - MarkUnited Kingdom
commando1 - StanSebring, FL
DarkwingFury - Dayne
Davews - DaveDes Plaines IL
dematt - MattDetroit, MI.
Dude69300 - Paul
fc7_plumcrazy - Carsten
Fratzog - FredGrimsby, ON
Furyfinn - Mike
Furyus 67 - DamondFlint, Michigan
Golden Banana - ?UK
Ironwolf - PaulMassachusetts
jake - JakeWisconsin
Joe Sportone - JoeSuffolk, VA
live4theking - ?Rockland Venango County PA
LocuMob - ScottSouthern MN
Love Shack - Stew
luigi164 - Luigi
Marian - Marian
Marpar - MarioLombard IL
mdh157 - MarkCarlisle PA
Monaco75 - ZacFL.
mopar_4life - Eric
mopar383 - Joe
moparnutcase - ?Linwood, NJ
Moper - ?Columbia, CT
Mr. Fix It - TomWelland, ON
MrMoparCHP - AlanLompoc, CA
N8-96XJ - Nate
newmexguy - ?las Cruces New Mexico
Patrick66 - PatrickCentral Oklahoma
Pete Kaczmarski - PeteWaupun WI.
PM27GOD - ?Virginia
Polara66hardtop - TimothyOmaha, Nebraska
Polara71 - DaveNJ
Polarus -Tom
rexus31 - ScottSan Gabriel, CA
ricks_RR - Rick
Ripinator - RipGermantown, MD
RWC - RalphSouth Paris, ME
saforwardlook - SteveRancho Cucamonga, CA
Samplingman - JamesSouth Jersey
Scotty - Scotty
SixtySix_Fury -?Winnepeg, Manitoba
SportFury - ?Indiana
tallhair - BryanMascoutah, Illinois
tbm3fan - MikePleasant Hill, CA
thrashingcows - Brian
twostick - KevinRoebuck, ON
vdk2010 - Julian Frankfurt, Germany
Wildaugust - Ken Manitoba
Wollfen - GaryGreenville NC
Xavi3r - ?France
Zymurgy - MikeLondon, Ohio
thank you for the kind words gents but i'm not officially back yet......just trying to keep my mind off of things. Jer, I got the shaft of working over the show weekend - freaking midnight shift - but will be over at some point come hell or high water and intend to take you up on that SPG!

Funny part is that the job may be changing to the point of the show weekend being my last work weekend before I go back to a 7-3 M-F sched.........wouldn't that be a *****? My wife mentioned that I'd be able to go to all the other shows the rest of the year - problem is, I could care less abt any of them exc for maybe the fall show.

Nice to see we have pretty good representation from around the globe Fred!
This is what I have so far is anyone is interested. Any updates let me know.

1970cat - ?Central NY
1978 NYB - BobAberdeen, Maryland
1Fury1 - Terry
300cruiser - Mike
300rag - PeterCarstairs, Alberta
53ryder - GlennBrier, WA
65Fury440 - ?West Central FL.
66/440 - GlennSpring, TX
66SportFury - John?, NJ
67-Fury - ZachMilton PA
67Monaco - BillPotato
68-300 - AlexHerkenbosch, Netherlands
68blackbird - Kel
68Nwprt - Kevin
68plymouth383 - JasonBoerne, TX
69FuryIIIConvertible - Nick
70Bigblockdodge - Davesouthwestern pa
70Nport - Gary
73Coupe - ?Burlingame, CA
78brougham - KennyWellsboro, PA
78NYB - Bob
AAR65 - Andy
Aidan1976 - Aidan
Amazinblue82 - RayMichigan
azblackhemi - ChrisWaddell, AZ
Badvert65 - ?Brightwood, Virginia
Bajajoaquin - Jonathan
Big blubber - ?Great Britain
Big_John - John.Syracuse, NY.
Bigbarneycars - Jerry
BigCRig - ?Colorado
bluefury361 - WillAlabama
Bryan - BryanNorth Dakota
bulldogchesty - Dave
C body Bob - BobYoungsville, NC
ceebuddy - Dan
chris53190 - ChrisWhitewater, Wisconsin
Chryslerdude - KasperDenmark
Commander - MarkUnited Kingdom
commando1 - StanSebring, FL
DarkwingFury - Dayne
Davews - DaveDes Plaines IL
dematt - MattDetroit, MI.
Dude69300 - Paul
fc7_plumcrazy - Carsten
Fratzog - FredGrimsby, ON
Furyfinn - Mike
Furyus 67 - DamondFlint, Michigan
Golden Banana - ?UK
Ironwolf - PaulMassachusetts
jake - JakeWisconsin
Joe Sportone - JoeSuffolk, VA
live4theking - ?Rockland Venango County PA
LocuMob - ScottSouthern MN
Love Shack - Stew
luigi164 - Luigi
Marian - Marian
Marpar - MarioLombard IL
mdh157 - MarkCarlisle PA
Monaco75 - ZacFL.
mopar_4life - Eric
mopar383 - Joe
moparnutcase - ?Linwood, NJ
Moper - ?Columbia, CT
Mr. Fix It - TomWelland, ON
MrMoparCHP - AlanLompoc, CA
N8-96XJ - Nate
newmexguy - ?las Cruces New Mexico
Patrick66 - PatrickCentral Oklahoma
Pete Kaczmarski - PeteWaupun WI.
PM27GOD - ?Virginia
Polara66hardtop - TimothyOmaha, Nebraska
Polara71 - DaveNJ
Polarus -Tom
rexus31 - ScottSan Gabriel, CA
ricks_RR - Rick
Ripinator - RipGermantown, MD
RWC - RalphSouth Paris, ME
saforwardlook - SteveRancho Cucamonga, CA
Samplingman - JamesSouth Jersey
Scotty - Scotty
SixtySix_Fury -?Winnepeg, Manitoba
SportFury - ?Indiana
tallhair - BryanMascoutah, Illinois
tbm3fan - MikePleasant Hill, CA
thrashingcows - Brian
twostick - KevinRoebuck, ON
vdk2010 - JulianFrankfurt, Germany
Wildaugust - KenManitoba
Wollfen - GaryGreenville NC
Xavi3r - ?France
Zymurgy - MikeLondon, Ohio

Terry (1Fury1) is in Carstairs, AB, just like me.
Did a bit more research today........still trying to find pics but found out where the old car dealerships were for the following: Dodge (2), Pontiac, Ford, Mercury, Chrysler, Plymouth, Cadillac, Packard.

i swear I was born abt 20 years too late. Pics coming as soon as I can find them.
Did a bit more research today........still trying to find pics but found out where the old car dealerships were for the following: Dodge (2), Pontiac, Ford, Mercury, Chrysler, Plymouth, Cadillac, Packard.

i swear I was born abt 20 years too late. Pics coming as soon as I can find them.
If you had been born 20 years earlier, you would be wishing you were 20 years younger right now.