Fourth of July - 2015


Old Man with a Hat
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Sebring, Florida
Independence Day of the United States, also referred to as Fourth of July or July Fourth in the USA, is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, which was the date the United States formally declared it's independence from Great Britain in order to achieve freedom from British rule.[SUP][1][/SUP]Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals,fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, family reunions, and political speeches and ceremonies, in addition to various other public and private events celebrating the history, government, and traditions of the United States. Independence Day is the National Dayof the United States.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP] Independence Day itself has nothing to do with the military, or soldiers. [SUP][5][/SUP]

Yesterday I read in the paper that locally, a group is hosting a Veterans Movie Night at the Cineplex, so that they can be in a safe and comforting envornment during the fireworks so that their PTS Syndrome is not triggered.

This morning, I read that HSA is urging communities and groups to cancel events and be extra alert because this country is in a Terrorist High Threat Alert.

America is currently in a heated debate where racism is now reaching the boiling point which people are responding to with violence

Every damn thing that was taught to me since birth said that if I always did the right thing my entire life, everybody PROMISED me that at this point in my life I could breath a sigh of relief and everything that was being put away for me for my future by sacrificing something then, would be waiting for me now.

I got sucker punched.
Do something meaningful this weekend with friends, family, and pets and say WTF, it's at least a day off if I don't work retail....

I thought "you know who" was supposed to bring this nation together racially.....seems like just the opposite had happened.. in the words of Ricky Ricardo... "Splain"
"I thought "you know who" was supposed to bring this nation together racially"

Only those who drank the Kool-Aid thought this would happen.
I thought "you know who" was supposed to bring this nation together racially.....seems like just the opposite had happened.. in the words of Ricky Ricardo... "Splain"
I credit the current race problem directly to him. He has done more damage than imaginable.
"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

Brave words in a time of uncertainty.

Celebrate Independence Day.
Happy fourth y'all!! Now get out there and put some miles on your C bodies, that's my plan.
Happy INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! I say it that way because if were are not careful it will just be another day off.

From one Veteran to I'm sure others that are on here - thank you for your service.

Blessings! :sFl_america2::sFl_america2::sFl_america2::sFl_america2:
Damm ...... What rock have you been under for the past couple hundred years.....?

One that has tv reception & a daily newspaper, but no Kool aid served. When you use phrases like "Our people" you are drawling a line in the sand....
I thought "you know who" was supposed to bring this nation together racially.....seems like just the opposite had happened.. in the words of Ricky Ricardo... "Splain"

It's simple......w/o racial divide there is less need for laws and more govt control...they need this to continue their socialist push. Meanwhile here in PA we have a governor who thinks prohibition is still in effect and 15K+/yr spent on each public school student isn't enough. for that kind of $$ they should be smart enough that they don't need the register to tell them how much change to give me back. I'm a taxpayer and by default this makes me a rape victim.

Despite this I still love this country. Happy 4th FCBO members and lurkers.
A little late but Happy 4th

Was on the Hornet, as is customary, and was positioned against our F-2 Fury for a picture by my wife when I looked out through Elevator #3 door.

Later that night was up in Pri-Fly to watch fireworks since I have access and in come three men in cameos. One I recognize and he shows me his badge and I reply I know you. He has Sea Scout recruits on board for a training week and today then will police up the ship after the festivities. They also man the pier and all access points up and down while at attention. So this guy is most likely a CPO in his late 40's and my son shows him his leather jacket. Unfortunately it says US Air Force on the back and the Chief tells him to get off his boat. LMAO as my son doesn't have a clue but he keeps talking to him. Then the conversation morphed over to playing bloody knuckles and my son was interested. Of course he had no clue and the Chief looked at me and my eyes said go ahead he doesn't need to be coodled. The Chief started off on the bottom and my son got wacked faster than he could blink several times. Not exactly gentle either. My wife then gave it a try. She had better luck as she played this while growing up in the Philippine ROTC as a Captain. The Chief could just nick one fingertip. When we all left Pri-Fly, my son on his own, gave all three a salute which they returned.

Oh, my task this week is to remove the US Air Force patch and sew on a USS Hornet patch.

