Friend told me about this place


Senior Member
FCBO Gold Member
Oct 18, 2012
Reaction score
Ajax, Ontario, Canada





might be worth checking out if anyone is close by.

My evil side is thinking had I found out about a yard like that is stuffed with classic cars and lets you walk it, I seriously don't know if I would tell the world about it. For shame, I know...

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Looks like a very enjoyable place to spend an afternoon and some money.
there's one in the last pic next to the 2 formals.
Get going Bob

I'm on it. It's 150 miles from me. It may have the wiper conversion parts I need. Mike converted his 78 Newport with a 74-77 Formal wiper system. Cut and weld the link from the motor to the 1st pivot. However...... I'll have to check on the 78 wiper cam repop project first. I can't go another summer without working wipers. That's beginning to drive me nuts.
Ah, there it is, mistook that for one of the formals it's so banged up.....did not look to closely enough at rear window.
I don't have my hopes up for either of the two formals...
Bob, grab me the chrome pc. that goes across the bottom of the windshield if it's nice.
I'd love to make a day trip out of it. I'm just concerned about how much fuselage stuff is out there.
been sitting for a long time but anything that old has been..... gotta check it out.

We have a yard here in Jersey, been there since the 40's. He only crushes the new stuff but all the old stuff is toast
been sitting for a long time but anything that old has been..... gotta check it out.

We have a yard here in Jersey, been there since the 40's. He only crushes the new stuff but all the old stuff is toast

So it's junk and junk. Sad....

< Sent from my tablet >
I'm on it. It's 150 miles from me. It may have the wiper conversion parts I need. Mike converted his 78 Newport with a 74-77 Formal wiper system. Cut and weld the link from the motor to the 1st pivot. However...... I'll have to check on the 78 wiper cam repop project first. I can't go another summer without working wipers. That's beginning to drive me nuts.

Hopefully everything is still there, when I saw the formals I thought of you and Stan.

been sitting for a long time but anything that old has been..... gotta check it out.

We have a yard here in Jersey, been there since the 40's. He only crushes the new stuff but all the old stuff is toast
ever heard of methvin's? In Mt. Holly? My father in law used to get stuff their before he closed up shop.
No, I had all I could handle in th 80's aroundour Counties. Then the 90's happened and they started closing up
He closed shop in the nineties ....I think the township was giving him a hard time about toxic chemicals (oil) leaching into the ground and water table (bullshit). Probably retired to.....Florida.