Interesting. That temp gauge is definitely reading colder than I expected see... but you say things are nice and warm in the engine bay... so...
Two things to check. You say your rad hoses are both hot (which is good), how about the heater hoses going to the firewall from the front of the engine? They both should be hot too, or at least not a really noticeable difference between the two. If there is, you've got a blockage. That explains a less than satisfactory amount of heat from the heater, but doesn't explain the low reading on the gauge.
@Big_John and
@traintech55 posts above essentially beat me to it... read on.
If the other gauges are also not functioning properly (except the Amp gauge), this tells me it's the voltage limiter for the gauges. While I could be wrong, the Amp gauge does not get the same kind of power the other gauges do. Those gauges operate on 5V, which is supplied from a little voltage limiter capacitor thingy typically mounted on the rear of the gauge cluster. They can and do fail, and there is an article on how to make a new one using readily available parts from an electronics supply store. Search for that and I would go there first in terms of seeing if that restores your gauge performance.
As well, check on the heater/defrost door linkage operation as described in the other thread you've got going.