Good day for a cruise


Old Man with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Sep 14, 2012
Reaction score
London, Ohio
I just realize that I haven't driven my 300 since Christmas Day. It drove beautifully and it was also the first real drive since I replaced my leaf spring in December. It drove even better than I expected. This big old boat can take a corner. I thought it was going to rain most of the day but it ended up clearing up and turning in to a perfect day.:yaayy:
:banana:...... my condolences for not driving her in six months ..... my congratulations on a fine summer break in cruise....
I was out for a 60 mile country cruise myself today. Too nice to turn on the A/C! LOL!
You are absolutely right. It's been kind of cool for this time of the year. I'm sure the sun is holding back the extreme heat for July and Carlisle! LOL!
You are absolutely right. It's been kind of cool for this time of the year. I'm sure the sun is holding back the extreme heat for July and Carlisle! LOL!
oooooh, don't jinx it. Carlisle was really fun last year, but the heat was brutal. I was sucking down pepsi-cola like it was water. It was even hot up under the bleacher stand out of the direct sun.
I'm predicting 80 degrees and pleasant humidity........


  • [*=center]
    Jul 12

    Clouds and sun80°Lo 62°

    Jul 13

    Times of clouds and sun81°Lo 66°

    Jul 14
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