Senator Leahy
Active Member
Found out the alternator NAPA sold me the first time around was the wrong one, swapped it for a new one and she's charging at 14.6 volts! Even did the ammeter bypass
Pulled out the wiring harness for the third time and put in some new fuse clips in the stock fuse block and everything is working like it should.
Got my rebuilt heater/AC switch back from Anthony Powell and we're blowing air. But I think the AC needs to be charged or serviced cuz no cold but whatever, gonna be cruising with all the windows down all the time anyways
Now it's time to change to u joints from the old rag joint steering and get old blue back on the road. Today was a good day, working on the car, hungover on 4/20.
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Pulled out the wiring harness for the third time and put in some new fuse clips in the stock fuse block and everything is working like it should.
Got my rebuilt heater/AC switch back from Anthony Powell and we're blowing air. But I think the AC needs to be charged or serviced cuz no cold but whatever, gonna be cruising with all the windows down all the time anyways
Now it's time to change to u joints from the old rag joint steering and get old blue back on the road. Today was a good day, working on the car, hungover on 4/20.
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