Good YouTube videos


Old Man with a Hat
Feb 22, 2015
Reaction score
Detroit 'burbs
Generally thought of as a garbage dump of vlogs and clickbait, I found a gem of a video series... (Too good to keep this in the secret room.)

I don't know who or what "Mustard" is, but these videos are darn good. So far I've been watching the aerospace and train vids, but I see they have more. I love aviation stuff as well. The best part is I'll never have to worry about them filling up my driveway.

Here's their main page:


And here's a few that I really enjoyed:

BTW, this is why conventional media is dying. These are better produced than anything I've seen on pay-tv (which I don't have, but mooch at other people's homes) and without 10 minute commercial blocks. I so rarely have the time to just "watch" anything, and when I do it's just before bed and an old episode of Barney Miller will do. My free-tv converter box and 40 y/o 19" Zenith are good enough for that.
Used to like the old Wolper documentaries. Modern ones just do measure up. Too many related interviews and such. Perhaps a different production orientation might make the best of them?

So much of what's on pay tv looks good on paper, but the repetition gets old after a while. The car shows all have similar formats and such. Only the names/places are different, many times. Liked the old "Gas Monkey Garage". It was fun but predictable. They did and do give some unknown shops some good exposure, though.

Allow me to add this to the list of quality YouTubes (not so much for the production quality, but the guy does an excellent job telling the tale). I'm sure someone will figure out my comments, so I won't retell them here.

I'm not a TV watcher but I like YouTube. Wife has Netflix and I have been watching the original Twilight Zone series. On YouTube I am watching a guy rebuild a 383 in a Newport.

In the 1990s I repaired televisions like yours, Carmine. It was a good living back then.
I'm not a TV watcher but I like YouTube. Wife has Netflix and I have been watching the original Twilight Zone series. On YouTube I am watching a guy rebuild a 383 in a Newport.

In the 1990s I repaired televisions like yours, Carmine. It was a good living back then.

Maybe not mine, you'd starve lol... but I get where you're going. :)
God knows what algorithm put this on my recommended list, but I found it quite interesting. I love seeing old Mopars in exotic locations, even if they are beat to hell. It makes me think "I would definitely be friends with whoever is keeping that car on the road."
