Government shutdown to prevent US troops overseas from watching NFL playoff games

1978 NYB

Legendary Member
Apr 16, 2011
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Anyone in the military that is deployed understands the impact of AFN being shutdown. The AFN (Armed Forces Network) is the TV and News network that the military has as a lifeline to know whats happening in the "WORLD" (United States). laying games like this to the military is not nice! The troops have it hard enough with this BS going on. They have never done this during any other shutdown. and on top of that......the military won't be getting paid. A lot of them live from paycheck to paycheck and this is going to be a burden that isn't fair to the troops. Those scumbags in Congress and the Senate still are getting paid.

Government shutdown to prevent US troops overseas from watching NFL playoff games

on top of that......the military won't be getting paid. A lot of them live from paycheck to paycheck and this is going to be a burden that isn't fair to the troops.

I know Naval and Marine service members who do their banking through Navy Federal - their paychecks will be covered by the credit union during times of shut down. Not sure about our brothers in the Army, Coast, or National Guard.
This will definitely screw some guys who had car, house or other payments who live pay check to paycheck for sure.

Know a guy who has a 17' Dodge Charger Daytona 392. Pays something god awful like $800 a month. Bet this was the last thing he was expecting. Might be time to sell it :BangHead:
I know Naval and Marine service members who do their banking through Navy Federal - their paychecks will be covered by the credit union during times of shut down. Not sure about our brothers in the Army, Coast, or National Guard.
This will definitely screw some guys who had car, house or other payments who live pay check to paycheck for sure.

Know a guy who has a 17' Dodge Charger Daytona 392. Pays something god awful like $800 a month. Bet this was the last thing he was expecting. Might be time to sell it :BangHead:

That is an eye watering payment. Neat car, but probably not the best choice if you have to have a mortgage payment for a car payment.
It's a shame that Congress cannot do anything at all. I don't think Congress has been able to do anything but create problems for the rest of us for 25-30 years. I remember when I was in the Navy in the eighties they moved payday from the 15 & 30th to Oct 1 so the money would be on next year's physical year. What a bunch of useless blowhards tooting their own horn and sticking it to us to get what the want. For everyday they keep the government shutdown they should lose a month salary not retro-pay either, lost, never to be seen again. I would bet the budget and keeping the lights on would be front row center.
Rant over.
I suspect that many of the "small government" proponents don't really understand just how many non-visible functions our government entities really perform! Many "support functions", for sure. "Privatize" them and you lose control of how things are done and by whom. Kind of like a big car dealership relying upon a local auto supply to cut their dies brake rotors rather than doing them in-house.

Rather than getting the job done, you sent them out, wait, wait, and then hope the person down there really knows how to put an OEM-level finish on the rotors, including the swirl polish final pattern, then wait until they are delivered and inspected by the dealership operative. It can take hours for something that would normally take 15 minutes/rotor and THEN you're relying upon somebody else to "do it right" (according to OEM standards) rather than what some other entity deems "acceptable".

The work-around for the broadcast might be a live-streaming (possibly with a mandated time-delay) feed via cell phones, then patched into a television on-site? Or might the AFN be termed "an essential group" that would work regardless, as other segments of government entities are termed?

It's a shame that Congress cannot do anything at all. I don't think Congress has been able to do anything but create problems for the rest of us for 25-30 years. I remember when I was in the Navy in the eighties they moved payday from the 15 & 30th to Oct 1 so the money would be on next year's physical year. What a bunch of useless blowhards tooting their own horn and sticking it to us to get what the want. For everyday they keep the government shutdown they should lose a month salary not retro-pay either, lost, never to be seen again. I would bet the budget and keeping the lights on would be front row center.
Rant over.

In so many cases, it seems, our elected officials are sufficiently removed from the reality WE see, they are in "another world". More concerns about raising money for the party, leaving research and such to "aides", they really don't know a lot of things from personal experience, by observation.

When I tried emailing one of my Senators, I got a rejected email with "Email full" reply. For others, if you're not in their district, they don't want to hear from you (on a particular website!), even if they are on a committee dealing with an issue important to you. And we get the "Look what a great job I'm doing for YOU" comments at election time.

When the "RPM Act" was of concern, SEMA had a point-click comment page for your Senators. I did that with both of the ones for my area. Did it twice! From one, I got on his email list. The other one, just a reply from the first message, not the second. Then the "email full" message later. Oh, and they seem to like to hear from "business leaders" rather than commoners, it seems, touting such meetings in the bi-weekly emails. Not to forget about the multiple offices they maintain, in various areas of their district. LOTS of money spent by them, it seems, even if they don't re-decorate their offices to mimic a television show set!

...the military won't be getting paid. ...Those scumbags in Congress and the Senate still are getting paid.

F'n ridiculous. It should be the other way around. One is essential, the other non-essential, so they send the non-essential on paid vacation while the essential continue working with delayed pay. Obviously the non-essentials made the rule.
AFN has come a long ways since my deployments in the 70's, 80's and 90's. Back in the 70's and early 80's..... AFN TV only came on for 12 hours a day. 6am to 6pm and if you missed something in the problem because what they broadcast from 6am to noon was re-broadcasted from noon to 6pm. BTW, there was only one channel back then and the only news was AFN (Armed Forces Network) News. There wasn't any CNN, Fox or anything else. Kind of control over what the troops hear. No civilian commercials (AT ALL). Military commercials like don't rock the beer will kill you if it falls on you. Dont walk on the train tracks (especially when drinking) trains will kill you. Make sure your antenna's on all vehicles, tanks, and howitzers are tethered and securely tied down when driving through residential wire strikes will kill you. The newspaper back then was only one which was the "Stars & Stripes". I looked forward to reading that newspaper whenever possible. I guess others are available now.

Damn....I miss the good old days. LOL still seems like that was yesterday. I've been retired from the Army for 22 years already.
My favorite BS quote was from none other than Nancy Pelosi (who's married to a multi millionaire/billionaire) when asked why Congress wouldn't take a pay cut, "It would demean the office". I've always wondered why we elect very well to do people to office, maybe it's time we need a more ground level person to take the reigns. Oh, but then the illuminati (sp?) will take over, just like always. How can the folks in Washington get paid while those overseas risk their lives for free? How much do Congress make as a whole? Put that back into the pot and keep the doors open a little longer. If everyone else has to "tighten their belt", why can't these pompous *** hats do the same? They have housing paid for in DC by taxpayers, they are allowed to take bribes, LEGALLY! and have expensive gifts given to them (that one senator from Alaska had an $80,000 addition to his house from a lobbyist/group and there was NO conflict of interest? Why aren't drugs legal? If these bozos can do this **** legally why can't some regular Joe get whacked out of his head, so he doesn't have to realize that we are all victims of our own system. That's why I didn't vote last election, no one I felt stood for me, and as for prez, my vote don't count til they abolish the electoral college, so why bother? Time to read Animal Farm again, 1984 is fresh in my mind,and it's all around us. Where's that agenda 21 web address...
Demean, Nancy? Really? Nothing says demean more than Al Franken and that other old pervert that walked around no pants on.:rofl:
Mr. Weinstein? My mom was so happy when Franken got elected, even went to his house for some campaign crap. Klobachar is going to run for Franken's seat.
BTW, back in the 70''s no games broadcast and then in the 80's.....AFN would broadcast one random game from the NFL each week. But they didn't broadcast the Sunday game until late Monday. I guess that was better than nothing.
Those politicians ought to be jailed for holding America hostage! They FN forget that they work for us!!!!
Noooo, he has his own problems, John Conyers. Some old fossil that apparently has been a perv for quite some time.
Hard to figure it out, with so many people coming forward about pervs running around, showing their junk.
Wasn't the no pants guy none other than Ted Kennedy? On a beach in Florida?
Hard to figure it out, with so many people coming forward about pervs running around, showing their junk.
Wasn't the no pants guy none other than Ted Kennedy? On a beach in Florida?
You need a score card to tell the pervs apart.
No, this Conyers guy had his own issues. Allegedly he was in, his constituent supplied office, running around in his "underwear" exposing himself to everyone and having an affair with someone. Of course, we the taxpayer, paid his accuser off.

T.K. was another dysfunctional matter.