Greetings from OKC


New Member
Mar 3, 2014
Reaction score
Near OKC
Just wanted to say hi from the middle of the US. I'm Steve and I've got an Mopars. Previously I was almost exclusively an A-Body guy, but you know it's just a gateway to the harder stuff! I'm now hooked on C-Bodies. I've got two 68 Newports (2-Door and a convertible) that I plan on making road/show ready. I've also got a 66 Monaco, 67 Fury, 68 New Yorker, 68 Monaco as parts cars/potential road cars. I've also got several other vehicles that are mostly lawn ornaments. Still trying to figure out how to do stuff on this website, but I'll figure it out eventually.
Anyone have an entire front disc brake setup for a late 72 or 73 C-Body? I'm very interested in getting rid of my drum brakes...but not interested enough to spend the big bucks on a conversion kit that doesn't use factory parts.
Thanks and look forward to hearing from like minded enthusiasts.
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Hi and welcome and all that jazz, cant wait to see some good pics of your cars!
Welcome , welcome, welcome. You have finally made it to the right Mopars. There is no snobbery here, just us old farts, and young farts lovin the big cars.:eek:ccasion14:
Welcome to the site from the Motor City!
pics are mandatory...
Welcome , welcome, welcome. You have finally made it to the right Mopars. There is no snobbery here, just us old farts, and young farts lovin the big cars.:eek:ccasion14:
I'm 51 does that make me a young fart or an old fart? Hi and welcome to the site.
:welcome: .........................................................................................
