GT seen

Close up of the black stripe from 2015 (and a pic of Jer in the reflection I think, LOL).

Can we stop the $2500.00 mantra for Formals, then?
I doubt it, from the prices I still keep watching... Unless they do something awful to one in the next Vin Diesel movie or build a spaceship that looks just like one for Star Wars... the hobby doesn't seem to be going that direction for these. Having parts available (you know which ones better than I do) might help...

After watching the Ghost Busters crowd destroy every old ambulance they could find, I don't know that I am hoping for this. I'm not real impressed by Back to the Future DeLorean knock offs either, but I never even liked the originals all that much once I got to work on them a little.
I think they're worth a lot more... someone else started that number
Thank you Dave, I would really like to agree with you, but as I continue to watch the prices out there and the unsold ones reappear... the high dollar ones seldom move and generally only move when dealer sold. It could be folks getting classic car financing (I suppose there are plenty who haven't figured out how to do that without a dealer), it could be in the fine detailing of a nice-ish car, or the marketing. I have always counted it as being the crowd who doesn't research or bother themselves with spending time doing anything but buying and driving. If someone has the pocket change for that, great.

Another way of looking at this is what is a 10% or so nicer car worth? In the Formal market, it seems to be $10k in the eyes of those buyers and sellers... and 10% may be overly generous. Then we get the occasional marketing genius who figures his crappy modified wonder or grandma's old car must be worth the same... $2500... maybe a little more in exceptional condition.

The bright side is they are wonderful cars that make me feel happy anytime I drive one... hard to put a value on that.
I've never seen so many available as I have within the last 5 years....
Original owners died or passed the car to second owners... many of those seem to be letting go now. If you find one on it's second or maybe third owner, you have a chance. The ones with more than that seem to be thinking derby or payday too often IMO. One owner cars are definitely going away and if they held on too long unused, are full of issues too.
Don't forget a crapload of the NYBs sold new were to newly retirees who bought one because, "They're not gonna mak'em anymore".
Unfortunately....when I get to the big PX my nephew will probably sell my cars before Taps is played so he can waste the money on his circle track garbage.
...or have the perfect Hardware to get started in demo derbies. :D
I always make the half empty glass Approach.
Point is there is a lot to choose from . Waiting for the right one will cost you but it will be the right one

I sold my 1971 GB7 blue SFGT to Finland a few years ago, but I still have my 1971 Dodge Monaco!


But then I still have my 1970 B7 blue SFGT unless Carsten wrests it from my tight hands................

What can this all mean.................?????

Too many cars, so little time! :BangHead:

Looks better with the white trim and the correct wheels. I would have been happy with that one. Cool car.
Hopefully there is another one out there with my name on it.
