I don't know how many of you will be celebrating the start of the new year tonight, but here's wishing you a safe experience.
For anyone reading who will be out and about, please consider having a designated driver or use a taxi. Taxi's are much cheaper than lawyers.
For the uninformed, the most common DUI around here is the morning after. The cops will be getting lots of folks who are hung over and think they are ok... if your hung over your not ok to drive.
I am in an industry that demands a clean driving record, as are many others here. It seems most adults I speak with have been in a position to receive a DUI before... please plan ahead so you aren't in that position.
My plans for tonight? I have been working on the roof of my house installing a standing seam metal roof. I honestly don't know how you pro's do it... I have slowly improved my speed and am happy with my results so far. Due to some really dumbass legal loophole fireworks are very prevalent in FL and my normally quiet neighborhood has had at least a few every night for weeks... tonight may as well be July 4th. I think I will continue with the work lights as much as I can. I wont sleep well with the firework activity anyhow.
For anyone reading who will be out and about, please consider having a designated driver or use a taxi. Taxi's are much cheaper than lawyers.
For the uninformed, the most common DUI around here is the morning after. The cops will be getting lots of folks who are hung over and think they are ok... if your hung over your not ok to drive.
I am in an industry that demands a clean driving record, as are many others here. It seems most adults I speak with have been in a position to receive a DUI before... please plan ahead so you aren't in that position.
My plans for tonight? I have been working on the roof of my house installing a standing seam metal roof. I honestly don't know how you pro's do it... I have slowly improved my speed and am happy with my results so far. Due to some really dumbass legal loophole fireworks are very prevalent in FL and my normally quiet neighborhood has had at least a few every night for weeks... tonight may as well be July 4th. I think I will continue with the work lights as much as I can. I wont sleep well with the firework activity anyhow.