Heater core replacement.


Active Member
Apr 19, 2013
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Can anyone tell me if you have to remove the dash on a 1973 Chrysler Newport to replace the heater core? I thought most of the work was done on the engine bay side with possible removal of the cardboard glovebox.Any help would be appreciated.
From what I remember on my '73, the heater core is only accessible from under the dash inside the car. I think it can be done without removing the dash, but it is a PITA. I do believe you still have to remove the heater blower box from the engine compartment as well. Does the FSM have instructions for removal?
The FSM does have hvac system service sections in it. If there is not a specific 1973 Chrysler manual there, I suspect the earlier Fuselage-era Chrysler manuals would be the exact same or very similar in nature.

Should not need to remove the complete system, just the passenger compartment-side half of the hvac box. You might also want to remove the front seat for more room to better position your body to do the work. No fun to having your back laying on the sill plate area!

Just some thoughts,
Can anyone tell me if you have to remove the dash on a 1973 Chrysler Newport to replace the heater core? I thought most of the work was done on the engine bay side with possible removal of the cardboard glovebox.Any help would be appreciated.
Does the car have AC?

No air conditioning means it comes out from the engine compartment.

If the car has AC, it comes out from the interior side, kind of through the glove box. Consult the FSM for specifics.
Thank you for all who responded.It is pretty much what I thought.The car does have air so a bit more complicated.I do have the 73 service manual which truly helps .Thanks again.
I have a great deal of experience in heater box removal and repair I did @ayilar heater box removal and rebuild. Type in Introducing A 1970 33 TNT convertible and go to post entry #142 and follow the info posted there. Removal of the rt bucket seat or bench seat and console if equipped will give you all the access you will need.