Help me name this WWII movie...


Old Man with a Hat
Feb 22, 2015
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Detroit 'burbs
It was on TV a few days ago (can't remember what channel). Was taking to my dad today about my late grandfather's time in North Africa and wanted to mention this movie, but couldn't recall the name. Also can't remember any of the actors.

Things I do remember:

I think this was a dirty-dozen group of prisoners or mercenaries. I believe it begins in Africa, then moves to Europe.

They try to winch a German army vehicle up a cliff, but the cable snaps.

They later took a German ambulance and allowed a nurse to survive to care for a wounded man. Someone tries to rape her, but another man fires a shot and ends it.

Near the end, two men are left. They're dressed in captured German uniforms and the Allies take the town. One man is about to leave the building they've been hiding in when the other reminds the first that they are wearing enemy uniforms, so they'd better find a surrender flag. They do, but a British (private?) doesn't see the white cloth and shoots them dead. His commanding officer scolds the private, but they move on. Credits roll.

Looked like it was made in the mid-60s.

Ring any bells?
Familiar as can be, saw it just a couple months ago but have no clue what the name was or who was in it.
You said it yourself, It's called the "Dirty Dozen" with Lee Marvin, Charles Bronson, Telley Savalas, Ernest Borgnine, among others. Marvin was the commander of a mission to take out a resort where German high officers went for R&R during the war. The dozen were soldiers who were in prison for serious crimes and if they survived the mission they would be pardoned. As I remember it took place in Europe somewhere, Africa was not involved. On yeah, Marvin's and Bronson's characters weren't killed, they were the only survivors.
The movie you are talking about has Michael Caine in it and is called "Play Dirty"
The movie you are talking about has Michael Caine in it and is called "Play Dirty"

You nailed it. Thank you. Great movie.

During the North African Campaign in World War II, Captain Douglas (Caine) is a British Petroleumemployee seconded to the Royal Engineers to oversee incoming fuel supplies for the British 8th Army. Colonel Masters (Green) commands a special raiding unit composed of convicted criminals, and after a string of failures he is told by his commander, Brigadier Blore (Andrews), that he must have a regular officer to lead a dangerous last chance mission to destroy an Afrika Korpsfuel depot, lest his unit be disbanded. Despite Douglas' objections, he is chosen for his knowledge of oil pipelines and infrastructure. Douglas is then introduced to Cyril Leech (Davenport), a convicted criminal rescued from prison to lead Masters' operations in the field.

The next day, Douglas and Leech are provided with armed jeeps and lead six other men out into the desert disguised as an Italian Army patrol. They endure a long and arduous trek across the desert: encountering enemy tribesmen, sandstorms, and a booby-trapped oasis, among other dangers. While Leech and his men are often insubordinate towards Douglas' command, they eventually reach their objective, only to discover that the depot is fake. They then head to a German-occupied port city hoping to steal a boat and escape; Douglas sees the fuel depot there and convinces Leech that destroying it would aid their plan. Meanwhile, Masters is confronted by Blore with aerial photographs of the (supposed) depot intact — confirming the mission's failure. Having lost contact with the men for some time, Masters is ordered to leak intel on the team to the Germans; the British Army is now on the offensive, and they wish to keep any enemy fuel depots intact for capture.

Under the cover of night, the men don German uniforms and sneak into the port depot to plant their explosives, but one of them sets off a trip flare and they are quickly surrounded; an officer on a loudspeaker calls each of them out by name, revealing Masters' betrayal. The men scatter as the depot is detonated; Leech and Douglas manage to slip away while the rest are caught and killed. After taking shelter, Leech admits to Douglas that he is being kept alive only because Masters is paying him £2000 for his safe return.

The 8th Army arrives the next morning; Douglas and Leech (still donning their German uniforms) decide to surrender to the British. Unfortunately, a trigger-happy British soldier opens fire — killing them before they have a chance to speak.

You said it yourself, It's called the "Dirty Dozen" with Lee Marvin, Charles Bronson, Telley Savalas, Ernest Borgnine, among others. Marvin was the commander of a mission to take out a resort where German high officers went for R&R during the war. The dozen were soldiers who were in prison for serious crimes and if they survived the mission they would be pardoned. As I remember it took place in Europe somewhere, Africa was not involved. On yeah, Marvin's and Bronson's characters weren't killed, they were the only survivors.

Except for the very recognizable American actors, not occurring in Africa and two survivors, you could be correct.