I have come to the conclusion that its just not practical to keep both of my C bodies, my 68 300 and my dad's 66 Fury III. This decision may sound like small potatoes and insignificant in the grand scheme of things (life) but it is a very sentimental thing for me. The Fury was my Dad's pride and joy, both he and my Mom loved cruising around in it getting all the headturns and thumbs up and the 300 was a gift from my Dad so that we could both have a cruiser in addition to our drag cars. Well, in the 6-7 years that I owned the 300 I never got to enjoy it, never even tagged it. With spending my time and $$$ on the racing thing and the necessary time for work and raising a family, I just never fixed the few little quirks it had and it just sat in my garage till just recently. I decided that I needed to do with it what Dad gave it to me for, or sell it. I decided to fix everything and drive it. However, when he passed 2 years ago I inherited the Fury, which is equally as nice as the 300 or better, but it is a bare bones, power nothing, no a/c, poly 318 car which is not near as desirable as the 300, was my Dad's and that is the attraction for me, all the pix of he and my Mom enjoying time together cruising in it. The thing is, I just cant justify keeping and tagging and insuring both in addition to the family's 3 daily drivers, it just doesn't make good $ense to me. My decision ...which one to keep. To make the Fury a REALLY good, comfy cruiser for the family would require adding a/c to the car at the minimum, not the easiest job but doable. Dad had plans for the Fury which he never got to do and I'd kinda like to tweek the car in the direction he wanted to go, but at the same time, I don't want "sentiment" to dictate everything I ever do to this car. I was just about to start on the disc brake swap on the 300 before I had back surgery, but now I'm wondering if I shouldnt just do that upgrade to the Fury instead. If I'm correct, all the 73 disc stuff I got should work on the 66 as well, yes? I know I'll never be able to afford all the upgrades and minor resto type stuff I want to do to both cars, but I just cant decide which to do. The 300 is a very nice, cool car, but the only attachment with it is that it was a gift from Dad, he never drove it, he just saw it, thought I'd like it and bought it, but the Fury was his and Mom's baby, just not as cool a car I guess. I know you folks cant make that call for me, but I just felt like talking about it. Feel free to comment. Thanks.
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