I Could Never be a Sailor

That's some crazy chit for sure! It amazes me that that light house can take that constant pounding when the seas get like that. That's a serious testiment to its construction!
Yeah where is that thing and how long has it been putting up with that. The ship I was on in the Navy had such a large sonar dome in front underwater that when it would come down into the water was like a coin going down flat through a bucket back and forth, it would shake so bad seemed like it would shake right apart.
[h=2]Milwaukee Breakwater Lighthouse[/h]

This is 5 story lighthouse on Lake Michigan on a calm day...


Same lighthouse during a storm....

I'll just stick with my land yacht!

I bet. Last week a former helmsman on CV-10 USS Yorktown, in the early 60's, told us of running into a rouge wave out of the blue. He watched it go right up over him and the ship actually stopped forward motion for a moment. Navigation is on the O6 Level and I know the O8 Level is 124 ft. above the WL. This makes the wave at least 124 feet to the top if not slightly more. Of course, those down on the mess deck only felt the ship stop. Not till he got down the mess did they know what they hit.

There were no over boards as compared to the typhoon that CV-43 USS Roosevelt got caught in (1974) and what it did in casualties.