I'm guessing one to many zeros for this kool car

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I think he has TWO too many zero's in his price. A 318 poly and all that rot...........
Yeah but he has gone through all the trouble highlighting it for you!
This seller is serious. He thinks he has a gold mine! Unfortunately.........He is going to be in for a surprise.
Upon conducting a more visceral inspection, I did notice this particular classic automobile possesses the rare and very desirable weatherproof, multi-adjustable exterior trunk latching system, a technological tour d' force employed by Chrysler co. /Plymouth during the early 70's. Once more, it does appear to be intact and functioning properly. Note the exemplary forethought of incorporating this wonderfully simple, and yet intuitive device into the design of the vehicle, right of center line. Well done, mopar, well done.
Your right ..... and since you already know what I would have said I have to type no more.
Why's it parked on a pile of boulders? It's not a Jeep.
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