I'm the J.D. Clampett of ammo and didn't know it...

Guess we don't want anyone dying of 'lead' posioning huh?

Nahhhh....we could get sued by the terrorists and ACLU.


I'm the J.D. Clampett of ammo and didn't know it....

My ammo will be collector items fast!


It sounds silly but I work in environmental science and have seen evidence of lead leaching into soils and groundwater. If you fire, say, 100 million rounds over X years in a military training area, do the math; that's a huge amount of lead sitting around in the dirt. And the water washing over it doesn't respect the boundaries of the training ground!
It sounds silly but I work in environmental science and have seen evidence of lead leaching into soils and groundwater. If you fire, say, 100 million rounds over X years in a military training area, do the math; that's a huge amount of lead sitting around in the dirt. And the water washing over it doesn't respect the boundaries of the training ground!

I hear you..........what about the lead that has been naturally in the soil for billions of years?
I hear you..........what about the lead that has been naturally in the soil for billions of years?

Sure, some soils have lots of it naturally, but most don't. Lead's a natural substance, but you don't often find it naturally concentrated to the purity we use for industry/military/etc. Like most elements... say gold. Gold's all around us, with trace amounts everywhere, but finding nice big ingots of it is pretty rare (I know, I know -- someone's going to post a picture of one of those big nuggets -- it does happen, but it's rare).

It's amazing how much comes out of stuff you'd never expect... my firm had one project involving an old landfill that was putting a borderline toxic amount of lead and arsenic into the soil and water, purely from old (late 19th century and early 20th century) bottles, which often contain high amounts of both.
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Sure, some soils have lots of it naturally, but most don't. Lead's a natural substance, but you don't often find it naturally concentrated to the purity we use for industry/military/etc. Like most elements... say gold. Gold's all around us, with trace amounts everywhere, but finding nice big ingots of it is pretty rare (I know, I know -- someone's going to post a picture of one of those big nuggets -- it does happen, but it's rare).

It's amazing how much comes out of stuff you'd never expect... my firm had one project involving an old landfill that was putting a borderline toxic amount of lead and arsenic into the soil and water, purely from old (late 19th century and early 20th century) bottles, which often contain high amounts of both.

I live within earshot of Aberdeen Proving Ground and the Edgewood Arsenal. I haven't drank unfiltered water since day one even though the City of Aberdeen sends an official water analysis report every six months saying the water is safe for human consumption.

[h=1]Maryland Superfund Sites[/h][ All Sites | District of Columbia | Delaware | Federal Facilities | Maryland | Pennsylvania | Virginia | West Virginia ]
Site NameEPA IDNPL StatusCityCountyZip
2020 Daniels Road NonEllicott CityHoward21043
68th Street DumpMDD980918387ProposedRosedaleBaltimore21237
Aberdeen Proving Ground - Edgewood AreaMD2210020036FinalAberdeenHarford21001
Aberdeen Proving Ground - Michaelsville LFMD3210021355FinalAberdeenHarford21005
Environmentally friendly bullets. This is insanity. I'm afraid to think about just how far the EPA/government will go with all this "environment" BS.
Strangely enough, I'm with the gub'mint on this one. As well as banning lead sinkers for fishing.
I've seen a lot of pristine open spaces and waterways poisoned with what superficially APPEARS to be a minor issue. I'm no tree hugger, but.......
I've tested Green Ammo at the Proving Ground for a long, long time. Effective and viable solution....except for the cost of copper. Ammo costs will double or triple current cost and of course there is going to be a shortage from day one because Obama will ban the lead stuff and of course Homeland Security will need 400 billion rounds to replace the lead they are currently buying now causing a shortage. Everything else copper will skyrocket again too.