Interesting article on Oil production

This article brings to light some of the factors affecting oil prices and oil production. Also it shows an interesting reason why oil production isn't going down, at least in the states.

This article touches the surface of the current production status.
The bigger question is why NO new petroleum refinerys are being constructed, and why the current refinerys are not maintained in the best condition.

The industry, looking towards the future, is seeing the demand for fossil fuels diminish. Global warming is real, and the main contributors are fossil fuels and coal. It's going to be a tough nut to crack but the use of these fuels is either going to be banned, or taxed beyond practicality in the next 10-20 years. It's a must do.

20 years from now electric power, (or some power source we don't even know about), will be the main stay of the transportation industry. Our fuel burners will be museum pieces or subject to heavy use restrictions.

All I can say....... Drive em if ya got em.
I get the whole electricity is the future argument, but I can't see it becoming mainstream for a long time. Not because the technology isn't good enough and not because the car industry can't change over fast enough either. It isn't even resistance by the public to the new technology. The biggest problem with going full electric is finding a non pollutive and cheap source of electricity generation. Right now the majority of electricity is produced by coal power stations, pumping huge amounts of pollution into the air. Building more of these isn't the way to go. Solar power still has a long way to go to gain the efficiencies needed to make it cheaply abundant. Solar panels are about 28 percent efficient at the best of times and while they are making improvements to this, it still means we have to wait for the technology to make some big improvements. Hydro power cannot be increased dramatically without changing the topography of the country dramatically with a lot more dams and wind power still isn't working when 60 percent of the windmills are being constantly serviced because of breakdowns.
I find it curious that when the Exxon refinery had an explosion recently it increased the cost of gas dramatically, especially in California. There are about 175 refineries in the states, one goes down and has such a big affect? Curious.

This article touches the surface of the current production status.
The bigger question is why NO new petroleum refinerys are being constructed, and why the current refinerys are not maintained in the best condition.

The industry, looking towards the future, is seeing the demand for fossil fuels diminish. Global warming is real, and the main contributors are fossil fuels and coal. It's going to be a tough nut to crack but the use of these fuels is either going to be banned, or taxed beyond practicality in the next 10-20 years. It's a must do.

20 years from now electric power, (or some power source we don't even know about), will be the main stay of the transportation industry. Our fuel burners will be museum pieces or subject to heavy use restrictions.

All I can say....... Drive em if ya got em.

If that's the case, I will be retrofitting my 300 with an electric motor and a full sail to drive on windy days!

This article touches the surface of the current production status.
The bigger question is why NO new petroleum refinerys are being constructed, and why the current refinerys are not maintained in the best condition.

The industry, looking towards the future, is seeing the demand for fossil fuels diminish. Global warming is real, and the main contributors are fossil fuels and coal. It's going to be a tough nut to crack but the use of these fuels is either going to be banned, or taxed beyond practicality in the next 10-20 years. It's a must do.

20 years from now electric power, (or some power source we don't even know about), will be the main stay of the transportation industry. Our fuel burners will be museum pieces or subject to heavy use restrictions.

All I can say....... Drive em if ya got em.
I have driven an electric motor .And it's weird hardly any sound just a buzzing noise it's quite surreal , I hope they never do away with petrol cars , I just can't imagine never hearing a V8 again