Is there a gaskit between a disc brake master cylinder and a bendix brake booster


Jul 23, 2015
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Can anyone tell me if there is supposed to be a gaskit between the disc brake master cylinder and a bendix dual diaphragm brake booster


There used to be -- and for years (but years ago), it used to come with the master cylinder when you bought one new.....It hasn't come with them for many years now -- and falls under the category
of "Not Required".... It really isn't -- but then, the question has to be asked, "Why was it there in the first place?"
It is not a terrible idea to put a gasket in between there -- it used to be made of a "foam - like" material -- probably a sheet of it would be available from a plumbing store -- such that you could cut
one to fit....
the question has to be asked, "Why was it there in the first place?"

My suspicion (based SOLELY on speculation) is that the dissimilar metals (cast iron master cylinder, and the steel vac booster) meant one would suck heat up faster than the other, causing a possible leak of some sort. Hence let's put a gasket on that bizzatch. I agree with mobile, its probably not needed (Unless the FSM calls it out).

I'd reckon some of that really thin foam/wrap stuff you find when unwrapping new kitchen appliances would be a good place to score some free gasket material.