Is there anything better than spending time with your dad...


Senior Member
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
Baker, MT
Not that I can think of. Last two days it has been just my dad and I, snowmobiling all day, from morning till dark. Digging sleds out of the snow, climbing **** that looks impossible, hitting trees and laughing, drinking cold ones in the bar at night. I would give anything to have everyday be like these last two. Not a care in the world, nothing but time and endless acres of untouched Rocky Mountain powder. I'll post some pics when I get back off the mountain. But there is nothing better than watching my father shed a few years and act a kid again. Priceless. Definitely another trip for the memory books. Just a reminder, those of you with fathers that are still able, no matter the time or monetary investment, it's worth it...
Enjoy those experiences since time is short. You will have something to treasure when those get togethers are no longer possible. I know I do.

I agree that there is nothing in the world like it !!!! I take care of my soon to be 96 year old day pretty much full time and would not trade it or his WWII stories for anything in the world !! :sFl_america2: even though I have heard the same one over & over & over .................

I love you dad !!! :eek:ccasion14:



Enjoy my Dad had a stroke about a year and a half ago, physically he's okay mentally not the same okay in general but the quick thoughts are gone. Didn't mean to put a downer on thread but enjoy while you can I still do.
I love hanging out with my dad too although we never did anything like snowmobiling or anything even remotely extreme. He worked a lot and he and my mom raised 5 kids and put us all through college. It's only been in the last 20 years that we've enjoyed the car hobby together, otherwise I grew up in a rather sedate household. My mom and dad are on either side of 80 and recently celebrated 55 years together. Oh yeah, I also want to say that my moms mom will be 100 in 2 days and she's sharp as a tack!
That looks gorgeous and would lop 20 years off anyone's age!