isis & Toyota


Old Man with a Hat
Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score
Alabama Gulf Coast
Has anyone else watching the news casts noticed the seemingly endless lines of Toyota pickup's used to move the isis idiots around....?

I wonder if the Toyota corp has taken notice of that. Someone is supplying huge amounts of those vehicles to the isis devils. It would seem that Toyota has chosen greed over moral obligation in allowing this to go on unchecked.

:soapbox: .........
You're right, Will.
In fact, there was a story about this just last week.
The article did show a willing effort on the part of Toyota to keep the pipeline of trucks to that area filled to distributers knowing where the trucks ended up.
Has anyone else watching the news casts noticed the seemingly endless lines of Toyota pickup's used to move the isis idiots around....?

I wonder if the Toyota corp has taken notice of that. Someone is supplying huge amounts of those vehicles to the isis devils. It would seem that Toyota has chosen greed over moral obligation in allowing this to go on unchecked.

:soapbox: .........

You know, that's what I was thinking when I saw this commercial recently:
WOW....... Considering the implications, that ad campaign is in very poor taste.

OK.... No more Toyota's....... buy American.
For many, many years, Toyota, Nissan and Mitsubishi have been the main suppliers of small pickups to the Middle East. There were also a huge number of Chevy pickups and Suburbans, as well. Virtually NO Dodges or Fords until the late '90s. Of course, these days, you see a bunch of Fords because we supplied the Iraqi forces with those, who in turn abandoned those new pickups for IsIs forces to use. The Toyotas, OTOH, are a product of nothing more than corporate greed...hell, the terrorists are probably paying cash for as many as they can acquire!
good points raised.

first, i know NOTHING about Toyota's policies (their dealer network in middle east, laws in the region, etc.) with respect to this valid observation about the "bad guys" using their trucks.

the links below are interesting.. people are noticing it.

but past 10 years they have sold 4-5 milion vehicles (truck % unknown - but assume 20% and you get 1M+ trucks sold that decade alone, let alone older vehicles in the installed base) in the middle east region.

just like we aren't selling Humvees to the folks we are trying to kill, Toyota trucks can get stolen, bought used, whatever by whoever, and nothing Toyota can do about that kinda stuff.

when they do their "dealer audits" in the region, they can try to catch dealers selling to bad actors .. if its obvious enough that's what a dealer did .. as well as tell their dealers NOT to do it, etc. but end of day that's hard (again perhaps illegal in those countries) for Toyota to police its dealer behavior 100%.

bottom line...its surely terrible "optics" for Toyota, and i must agree i don't get the feeling of any corporate "indignation" over it, perhaps capitulating to circumstances beyond their control

even if they agreed to sell NOTHING there going forward as a protest (highly unlikely they stop selling there) that doesn't address the millions of their vehicles already there AND in the bad guys' hands/within their reach.

so these "optics" aint going away anytime soon.

Sales by region
North America2,031.32,230.32,436.12,738.32,822.22,441.81,975.41,935.51,806.92,274.6
Latin America162.1214.9270.5339.4379.4370.2293.6342.1333.5406.6
Middle East251.4270.9325.3404.8482.7590.1482.5554.6527.5683.9
Overseas total4,354.54,948.85,554.16,229.36,841.96,526.15,604.05,961.15,895.97,025.1
Worldwide total6,070.46,707.67,267.37,921.68,429.37,996.16,979.67,527.37,096.98,717.3
The ME Toyota pickups (and Nissan & Mitsubishi) are really quite a bit different from any that you see on the road here, or that are built in North America. First, the cabs and beds are a bit different. Their four-door trucks are not like ours in appearance or powertrain. Plus, if you notice, the ME Toyotas have a rear window guard that is not on the NA trucks, plus most of the beds have tie-down hooks along the outer lip of the bed that our NA market trucks lack. The bed hooks are the same as the trucks sold here up through 1978. I'd bet that the newer ME Toyotas that you see in the news are Japan-built and are NOT North American-sourced.

If any of you guys that are on the forum are also stationed/working over in that part of the planet have a second, you can look at the first character of the VIN to see the country of origin - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are all North America (1,2,5 US, 2 CDN, 3 MX). Japan-built vehicles have a "J" first.
The ME Toyota pickups (and Nissan & Mitsubishi) are really quite a bit different from any that you see on the road here, or that are built in North America. First, the cabs and beds are a bit different. Their four-door trucks are not like ours in appearance or powertrain. Plus, if you notice, the ME Toyotas have a rear window guard that is not on the NA trucks, plus most of the beds have tie-down hooks along the outer lip of the bed that our NA market trucks lack. The bed hooks are the same as the trucks sold here up through 1978. I'd bet that the newer ME Toyotas that you see in the news are Japan-built and are NOT North American-sourced.

If any of you guys that are on the forum are also stationed/working over in that part of the planet have a second, you can look at the first character of the VIN to see the country of origin - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are all North America (1,2,5 US, 2 CDN, 3 MX). Japan-built vehicles have a "J" first.



Special Forces pickups, to me anyway, would NOT look like the run-of-the-mill export-market pickup. Who the fu*k knows for sure, with the idiots in charge of the upcoming End Times running things.

BTW, the SR5 and TRD models are both available in the ME vehicle sales markets. Plus, nearly ALL Toyota, Nissan, and Mitsubishi pickups sold there are four-door trucks, and have been since the late 1970s. A two-door standard cab is a real rarity there. The gaudy stripe and graphics are the norm for there, too. Trust me, I've spent way too damn much time over there. So the specs you specify in that picture (actually, infowars, a dubious source, at best) would not be at all unusual for that part of the world. And anyone can add gun mounts.
I tested Armored Toyota pickup's for the Special Forces at APG about 10 years ago. You can't even tell they were armored unless you got inside them. They were very, very heavy and had special suspension and steering. They held up well during 20,000 mile endurance testing and also did well with all of the performance testing. The ones I tested DID NOT have machine gun mounts. The whole concept was to get SF deep in without being noticed.
Well surely someone got a glimpse of the license plate by now...
We get pictures all day long of these scumbags travelling in caravans and we need to go through 25 layers of command taking 4 hrs to get a drone launched.
By then they're back in their compound (usually an orphanage or something) eating barbecued goat and decappitating babies.
Give the guy at the console full authorization.
End of problem...
We get pictures all day long of these scumbags travelling in caravans and we need to go through 25 layers of command taking 4 hrs to get a drone launched.
By then they're back in their compound (usually an orphanage or something) eating barbecued goat and decappitating babies.
Give the guy at the console full authorization.
End of problem...

Commander-In-Chief made that call......