Old Man with a Hat
So flippin' HOT out this week! Weather-guesser says this nonsense about "feels-like" temps: "It's 96* outside, but it "feels like" 108* outside with the humidity and such!"...OK, you overpaid college-graduate, just tell me what the actual, no **** temperature outside is, that is ALL I need to hear! My body will tell me "damn, it's HOT outside!" What it "feels like" is 100% irrelevant!!! A "feels-like" temperature is meaningless.
One of these days, I'd like to hear the following conversation between Suzie, the hot blonde reporterette and the highly-trained weather-guesser Jim:
HBR: "Gosh, Jim, it's sooo hot out! When is it going to cool off?"
H-TWG: "It's July, you simpering, whiny little bimbo! It's ALWAYS hot in July! The calendar says Fall occurs in September, like every year for eons now. It cools down then, and not before. You'll perhaps recognize Fall when the leaves on those trees start turning colors, then brown and then fall to the ground. After that, Winter has arrived, and Santa might bring you a brain to stick in that vacuous chasm of a skull you carry on your shoulders! Then, you'll be asking me "Hey Jim, it's soooo cold outside! When is it gonna warm up?"...And then, we'll have the same conversation we are having now, except I'll be explaining the concepts of Spring and Summer to you to explain when and why it'll warm up again! Now, move your butt before I shove your pretty little head through the green screen! Got it?"
HBR: "Huh? What did you say, I was distracted by the shiny objects above us!"
H-TWG: "Those are the studio lights, you brain-dead twit!"
One of these days, I'd like to hear the following conversation between Suzie, the hot blonde reporterette and the highly-trained weather-guesser Jim:
HBR: "Gosh, Jim, it's sooo hot out! When is it going to cool off?"
H-TWG: "It's July, you simpering, whiny little bimbo! It's ALWAYS hot in July! The calendar says Fall occurs in September, like every year for eons now. It cools down then, and not before. You'll perhaps recognize Fall when the leaves on those trees start turning colors, then brown and then fall to the ground. After that, Winter has arrived, and Santa might bring you a brain to stick in that vacuous chasm of a skull you carry on your shoulders! Then, you'll be asking me "Hey Jim, it's soooo cold outside! When is it gonna warm up?"...And then, we'll have the same conversation we are having now, except I'll be explaining the concepts of Spring and Summer to you to explain when and why it'll warm up again! Now, move your butt before I shove your pretty little head through the green screen! Got it?"
HBR: "Huh? What did you say, I was distracted by the shiny objects above us!"
H-TWG: "Those are the studio lights, you brain-dead twit!"