So I picked up a 1969 Plymouth Fury III about a year ago to putz around with. I got it for what I thought was a decent price and would allow me to have a little fun. Yes its a four door, but I have two small girls so it comes in handy....except for when it comes to funding such a project. The way I got it would bring a tear to some people's eyes. So I figured what the heck? I can't make it any worse right? LOL Anyway, when I got has 20" spoked rims with spinners (knockoffs), side pipes, shaved handles (that operated by pushing down on a door lock button on the outside of the car..really?), and great stuff insulation foam to fill any and all rust holes then had filler over it (could see the yellow foam peeking through the paint). Oh the side trim was all removed and the mounting holes/pins were welded shut...VERY well I may add. The shaved handles and everywhere there was a pin...the metal was warped BAD. Then the paint was applied without primer, and from what looked like 10ft away....had the feel for 400grit sandpaper... Anyway....this was my first time painting in almost 14 years, and my third car ever. got some dirt in the paint...but it was done in my garage afterall. Just thought I would share....just for the heck of it
After....well so far...
After....well so far...