Just venting - OT


It's Not Going to Shift Itself
Dec 4, 2010
Reaction score
Cochrane, Alberta, Canada
It's hard enough to tell the kids that live close be, but how do you tell your daughter who lives thousands of miles away and is over 4 months pregnant that her mother (my wife of 39 years and 8 months) has just been diagnosed terminally ill and may not be there to see the birth of the grandchild? Sorry guys just had to vent, couldn't tell the kids yet and had to get it out somewhere. I am just so mind-f@cked right now.
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That is difficult and my heart goes out to you. I hope their is still some blue skies for your wife and family and birth of your grandchild.

Peter, I'm so sorry to hear this. I will be praying for you and your family. As for informing your kids as hard as that is going to be sooner is better than later. If you need anything please ask. We are here for you.
Vent as much as you need, your family is in my prayers.
You're not venting. You're asking for help.
You need friends by your side right now. Friends you have met and haven't met, yet.
We're here for you.
Spill your guts. This is YOUR thread.
Thanks guys. Right now both our minds are numb from shock. She has not been feeling well for a couple of months, but this hit like a bomb. We are working out how to tell the kids and her mom who was expecting her to come visit for her 80th birthday party.
I kind of know what your family have to go through as my father died of this desease at barely 40 years old. He would have turned 65 this month. Can't help you with the decision on how and when to inform the others, I think they would like to know as soon as possible to use most of the time to be together as close as possible.
Man, this thread sucks. I'm very sad for your family.

She can prove them wrong though. Tell her to fight with everything she has. Don't give up.
Well, those were difficult calls to make. We made sure there was someone with her mom before we called. Same with my daughter. I got a hold of my son-in-law and told him he needed to be at home when we called. She took it real hard and is on a plane tonight. This news broke down all the tough guy barrier in the three boys though. They are starting her on chemo tomorrow, but mostly for pain management. The months ahead will not be easy. Thanks again for the support. There won't be too much car stuff happening this year
I sure hope they can manage her pain to a tolerable level......and eliminate it all together if possible.
We're not going anywhere.
Take care of business.
I'll be thinking of you so despite how you may be feeling, check in every once in a while.
Hang in there, the power of positive thinking can do wonders and there will be no lack of it coming from this board.
I am amongst those on here who are saying a prayer for your family tonight. Take care of your wife (and yourself), and treasure every minute you have together. Best of luck to you and yours.
My thoughts and prayers are with you, your wife and family. That C word has hit my family, and everyone knows someone that has fought the disease. Be strong and give her lots of love and attention. We are here for you, in any small way that we can help.
My cousin who is the same age as myself passed away last week due to an aggressive cancer first diagnosed last year. Family support is the only thing that matters at this point. Our thoughts are with you.