

May 16, 2014
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well the other day we had a local lock smith in front of our house working on a car across the street. I know him and have had him do a few things for use in the past. I asked him if I gave him the door locks and ignition switch if he thought he could make a key. Well he brought the them back to me today. We now have a set of keys to the 65 fury!!:eek:s_dancing2:
$15.00 not to bad i thought. For not having a key and not being in a hurry.
That's great. I get that kind of great service from a local mom & pop locksmith here too.
My trunk key didn't fit the glove box door, so just yesterday I had the lock changed to work with the key. $15.
I have a local locksmith I use for a lot of key work, rekey, matching existing keys etc... the guy is a true craftsman.
Lost my key to my 95 XJ12 this past spring... after emailing proof of ownership (copy of the title) and a copy of my drivers license, they managed to lighten my wallet by $110.00.... of course after it was in the yard I asked my wife to move the car... she used the "lost" key! Found it slid way to the back of a compartment. LOL
I tore that car inside and out looking for it guess I should've let her look for it first..And she even offered
I've never owned anything that cost more the $20 for a lost key! This is actually the first time i've had a key made for something i never had a key for! lol