Lil Red Hellcat


Meat Man with a Hat
Apr 22, 2015
Reaction score
Still in Dry Dock
Sure would be a tire-shredding monster...


Ram Li'l Red Express Rendering Tugs At Our Sport Truck Heartstrings
I could see that being an SRT10
Hard pass, the longer I look at it the uglier it gets.
Upon further review:
Box looks GM-ish
Exhaust should be outside the box
Too low to the ground
Needs chrome slots
polarizing design it seems. that means you could sell a few.

less than 50/50 chance in IMHO it would ever be a factory offering this day in age.

But I for one would spin that baby proudly as is, though suggestions made here for exhaust placement and modern version of the slots would be very cool too. :)
Newport66. Seams that you have knowledge on how much black soot would land on the bed railz, fenderz, and T-Gate on the '78+'79 LRs, lol. Friend of mine and I did a 5 day run from Topeka to Little Rock, to Springfield and back to Topeka in '91 in hiz '78. DOEZ ANYBODY AMONG ALL OUR FREINDZ HERE KNOW THAT THEIR'S A ROADHOUSE ON THE ARKANSAS-OKLAHOMA LINE WEST OF MENA WHERE YOU CAN DRINK YOUR BEER IN ARKANSAS AND PEE IN OKLAHOMA UNDER THE SAME ROOF, LOL. TRUE, I CAN'T MAKE THIS KINDA STUFF UP. I almost bought that '78 from My Pal 'til I spent half a day helping him clean all the black crap off the back half of that Little Red. Shesh, Still like the '78 Widdow Twuckz 'tho. Jer --- OOPZ, THE MIND IZ NOT THE 1ST THING TO GO BUT? TULSA WAZ THE 1ST STOP ON THAT JUNKET, sbt
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If the stacks were outside the bed it would look a lot nicer. I would drive it.
Here's a real LRE, but with a 426 Hemi. It was on Craigslist in Raleigh, NC. No price.
