Local mopar show today


Old Man with a Hat
Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score
Alabama Gulf Coast
We attended a local Mopar show today with Jazebelle and the 65 Coronet 500. It was a small show, about 50 cars, but some very nice ones.....As usual lots of B & E bodys plus some "new" cars. The only C bodys were Jazebelle and a nice 67 Imperial convertible.
Heres a few pictures....

cullman 2013 1 (Large).jpg

cullman 2013 2 (Large).jpg

cullman 2013 3 (Large).jpg

cullman 2013 4 (Large).jpg

cullman 2013 5 (Large).jpg

cullman 2013 6 (Large).jpg

cullman 2013 7 (Large).jpg
Nice pictures Will. Looks like a Mopar dealer lot. Is it a former Mopar dealer lot or are they still in business?
Here are pic's of the 67 Imperial convertible...... An outstanding 49K mile car.

The owners father was a Chryslar dealed in Anniston Al in 67 and sold this car new. Then after taking over the business from his father he got the car back as trade for a volare in 77 and has kept it since then.

67 imperial 1 (Large).jpg

67 imperial 2 (Large).jpg

67 imperial 3 (Large).jpg

67 imperial 4 (Large).JPG

67 imperial 5 (Large).jpg

67 imperial 6 (Large).jpg
Wow! That imp is spotless. There's just something about green Imp's that I like! LOL!!!
They held an All-Mopar show down here once.
One guy couldn't make it so the other guy had the whole parking lot to himself.

he got the car back as trade for a volare in 77
Boy, did this country decline in only 10 years or what?
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That Imperial is stunning! It looks great in that green and is an unusual color that I can't remember seeing on a 67 before. To bad it didn't have a white interior although the green looks ok on this one. I wonder what color the top is?
That Imperial is stunning! It looks great in that green and is an unusual color that I can't remember seeing on a 67 before. To bad it didn't have a white interior although the green looks ok on this one. I wonder what color the top is?

Green or black I would think. Do you think a white top would look all right on this Imp?
That color is FF-1 Maze Green Metallic.......it looks great!
Here are pic's of the 67 Imperial convertible...... An outstanding 49K mile car.

The owners father was a Chryslar dealed in Anniston Al in 67 and sold this car new. Then after taking over the business from his father he got the car back as trade for a volare in 77 and has kept it since then.

He traded an Imperial on a Volare'?

I dont think those words have ever been spoken.
I've never seen another 67 or 68 Imp with a silver interior like Matt's. Has any one else?
I'd love to see more examples of silver leather. Of all the cars we critiqued over the last several years I only remember seeing one, a Chrysler 300, '68 maybe? That had silver leather. I think Dave mentioned he knows of a Polara with silver interior. Any pics of that Dave?
I've only seen one other Imp with the Director option.




