Local Online Auctions


Old Man with a Hat
Aug 24, 2013
Reaction score
Kingston, Mi
Anyone have local online auction houses in their area? I have three in about a 30 mile radius. I have found some good buys on a few things. Just like any auction you can't let the bidding fever get the best of you and over pay for something though
Not that I am any good at finding this kind of stuff, but all I seem to find locally is estate sales. Plenty come to FL in their later years, so there is a lot of flippers who work that and the storage units and then resell. I seldom find anything that truly turns me on. I also find the auction environment seems to benefit the seller's, but is inconvenient for my odd schedule most of the time.
I usually watch the tools, I found a good deal on a impact gun.
I almost exclusively watch the tools and equipment... I find it hard to get a bargain here... I expect a used tool to bring .10-.30 on the dollar... if you wait for the special offers, most basic stuff comes around every year or two for a discount. I spent a little time on a snapon truck (10 months) and I wouldn't call 50% a smoking deal on used tools. Early in my career I bought a lot of iron from a retired tech who became our service writer/manager... he would put together a box of iron at 50% and then throw on stuff to sweeten the deal like diagnostic and specialty tools... he also carried the note, which I paid regularly and heavily... it was his "mad money" the wife didn't know about. I still use some of the air tools and of course the hand tools are warrantable. When I mathed out my gains... it was always close to .25/100 and he made sure I didn't pay him off until I left the state... I know he was bummed when that happened, I was too.

If you look at EB or CL around here there are too many trying to get retail... the few smoking good deals are older sets in tool boxes that are hodgepodge collections... or just too much for me to consider buying all at once. I no longer travel for tool deals... but there was a time. My latest toy is an old sun distributor machine which I picked up yesterday for $50 incl the model t adapter... I don't know when I will get around to playing with it... but I wanted one for a long time...2 dropped into my lap over the past month. The other was way too much money, but a brand new unused machine from the early 60s. The one I bought is rode hard and put up wet, last used 9 years ago and "should work". Can't whine at the price, and delivered to me at work.
We used to have a old sun machine I think it was from the 50's, it was sold before the fire thankfully. I never used it myself but I did watch the owners dad set up a Hudson dist in it
We used to have a old sun machine I think it was from the 50's, it was sold before the fire thankfully. I never used it myself but I did watch the owners dad set up a Hudson dist in it
Same thing... I think the scroll at the top goes all the way to 64... but they were updateable... I will find the tag and figure out when it was made when I get around to playing with it. Couldn't not buy it for the price... I have wanted one to play with for too long.