For Sale Looking for a car for a friend.

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Feb 6, 2016
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Hey guys, I was wondering if any of you know Of any cars that my friend would be into, he's looking at getting into classic cars and I think it would be cool to have him get a C body mopar.

He's looking for something in pretty goodish shape with little to no bondo. It's gotta be a two door, and it needs a V8, the bigger the better. He's primarily looking for either a Dodge or a Plymouth.

You guys selling or seen something that sounds good?
I forgot to mention it needs to be around 6k or under, that's pretty much the limit of his budget. Is that doable?
Thanks guys, I thought it would be possible, but we've been looking for a while and nothing has turned up. Wondering if any of you guys have seen anything
Took about 2 seconds of searching. They are out there.
1968 Plymouth Fury 3
True man, one of the biggest issues has been distance though. All the nice C's are usually a ways away. Makes it hard to get out and test a car when we both have school and full-time jobs.

I had my fury shipped to me from montana, but my buddy wants something local.

Thanks for the recommendation by the way, I'll pass it along to him
If I remember correctly, I believe Mr. Lahey drove a NY'er hahaha
For the longest time I thought that car he had was a continental until I saw the episode where Ricky put it's doors on the Shitmobile. Then I realized it couldn't be a Lincoln. Similar front ends though lol
Yup, WI, regreting the decision to live here every winter. It's a cold one today boys.
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