Louisiana Police Captain Call Out

HELL YA!!! That Officers speaks what needs to be said to ALL those PUCK *** Thugs Notion wide that prey on the innocent.. Don't get ME started.. :usflag:
I stand shoulder to shoulder with Captain Higgins and ALL Law Enforcement Officers!
We need to buck up. The thugs are dealing drugs with no fear. Camera's are a great tool to convict thugs. Set up several around your home.
Decriminalize Drugs. Case Closed.
I totally disagree.
Then you have the government and huge financial interests driving up the price.
The purest form of Free Enterprise is to keep it underground and away from greedy politicians and corporations.
You can go anywhere and weed is roughly $10/gram on the street. It's been there for years at that price because it's free of regulation.
In Colorado it's over $30/gram.
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In Colorado it's over $30/gram

Then don't use it, if the market didn't support it it would be growing wild and being cut down by the highway dept on he side of the road. Big.waste of time and energy chasing illegal drug activity, the only people that don't want drugs legalized are dying off and in law enforcement(job security), chasing drug dealers becomes their drug.
USA has more People in Prison then any other country. Lets throw people in a Cage for A plant. Does that Make sense? We Banned Alcohol, that didnt work. You make Drugs legal and Crime goes Down. People should be able to do whatever the hell they want. The "War on Drugs" is just a Crock of ****, And a Total Failure. Its time to Evolve ideas.
It's not weed that is the problem. Marijuana, pot whatever you call it, is a law enforcement career type drug as they get feathers in their caps for busting college students. College students aren't causing the problems that threaten us everyday. Its meth, crack and to the largest extent, the extreme over saturation of opioids on the street. Funny how the latter is ultimately put there by wall street pharma companies and gets the least attention. 1900 China all over again.
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Doesn't matter if it is legal or illegal anything is easy enough to get so having thousands of career law enforcement just to chase drugs around is a exercise in futility, and doesn't remove anything from the streets just causes a few dry spells. The argument of more people will get hooked on drugs is BS also booze has been legal for almost a hundred years again and some people are alcoholics but most are not, those people have a disease that will kill them just like any other disease. I do agree with wall street/pharmaceutical co. getting everybody hooked on pills and the 1900 China reference.
I Agree with Dave. The Notion that if Drugs become legal everyone will be hooked on them is more Propaganda. When Prohibition was over Did everyone become a raging Drunk??? Ahh NO.