Master cylinder overhaul kit


Old Man with a Hat
Feb 13, 2011
Reaction score
Could anybody recommend a source for ordering an overhaul kit for the 300 Hurst master cylinder, repop if really good or NOS ? Looking for reliable company that ships overseas and good quality. Not familiar with US offerings in these things. We have a couple of dealers with varying qualities for German GM cars I own, so I suppose this is the same with Chrysler repops in the US if any exist.
Thanks for the link; as far as I understand they only offer full replacement master cylinders; I'd prefer an overhaul kit for the internals, provided the housing is still useable, wouldn't want to disassemble without a possible parts source, but redid about 10 master cylinders already from German cars (complete repros don't exist) without any issues, generally only the seals were aged.
Thanks, sounds promising, no online catalog but an old family business; I'll give them a try. Did you do any buisiness with them in the past as this is in your area ?
No. Over the years I bookmark places I trip over on the internet for future reference.
You never know...
Hey cm23u0c, please let us know how you go with getting the seal kit...I'm thinking of rebuilding my '70 MC rather than the cost of shipping a new one.
Hey cm23u0c, please let us know how you go with getting the seal kit...I'm thinking of rebuilding my '70 MC rather than the cost of shipping a new one.

I*ll let you know, just recently got 400 plus EUROS worth of BMW front axle overhaul parts, so I didn*t try to order yet, next month when there's a little more fresh money there I*m getting to it.