For Sale Miller tool C-4064 Chrysler Auto Temp Tester


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Jun 10, 2024
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Marilla, NY
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Miller tool C-4064 Chrysler Auto Temp Tester as used on the 1970-71 Chrysler Products. I sold my car and won't be needing this anymore. Nice to have around if you ever need to repair your A/C $60

For what year(s) and is it for auto-temp as well as manual.

I have 73' Imperial with the auto-temp II. The service manual says it recommends tool C-4144 for testing. I have the Chrysler Auto-Temp II Adapter 10588 however think I am missing some gauges. Has the same switch modes however yours has gauges to assess operation. Seems like every year of auto-temp II manual has different service tools. I'm going to see if anybody has instructions on using the adapter. Maybe I need something like you have. Thanks.
From what I know, only auto temp. I had a 1970 Chrysler repair manual, and in the section on repairing the A/C it specified the use of this tool. I never checked to see if it could be used on manual A/C