Move up to Chrysler '68 ... unveiling our latest C-body acquisition


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2018
Reaction score
Northeast PA, 10 minutes from Knoebels Grove
Ok, to be honest, we've had this car in our possession since March but I've been waiting for a clear and sunny day to do it justice with some nice outdoor pictures. Well, yesterday was the day!


Some info about the car...

It's got a little over 30k miles on it. Claim is that the body and paint, except engine bay, are original and I think that's accurate as I can't see evidence of masking or overspray. Paint does have some flaws but overall is decent.
It's got a 440 which was refreshed and "converted" into a TNT and a very well done 4-speed conversion, both done by the PO. Some of you may recognize this car from a post in the For Sale forum. Turns out it was only 1/2 hr away...just couldn't let this one get away!
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I am jealous.
You have been hiding this one since March??
View attachment 381501
Congrats on your find.:thumbsup:

Heheh yep. Actually it's spent most of its time in the garage covered up because shortly after purchase, PA closed down and we haven't yet received the title or plate :mad:

For this drive we put the plate on it from the convertible.
You should have turned the car around and then taken the same angle shot from the front.
The grill would then have been illuminated.
Sometimes if you aren't really close the sun is so bright the f-stop closes way down and the fill flash won't help.

Nice car and you deserve a "you suck".
Thanks for all the complements! And yes, this car does move pretty When we first got it, I have to say I was actually a bit disappointed with the acceleration. I was expecting more out of the TNT. It just felt like it was running out of steam. It also didn't want to idle real well until it was fully warmed up.

A little investigating discovered that the PCV hose was not pushed onto the bung on the carburetor which of course caused a massive air leak in the intake. Then I checked the base timing and found it was set at only 5 degrees. The book says 7.5 and I think I've seen people here say to go as far as 12. I compromised and set it for 10. I have to say the test drive after those corrections put a big smile on my face! However, I did the paperclip trick to check the opening of the secondaries and I don't think they are opening 100% at WOT. So there might be a little more power hiding out yet.
I am SOOO jealous! I must have looked at that Babe 1,000 times but dont have room for 2 and would not have had a happy home life either! I hope you enjoy it, its Beautiful!