Funny stuff. I grow up with German Shepards and my first dog as an adult was one too, great dogs. Mine were more hand to hand or mouth to hand combat. My Mom never worried about me when I was a kid. No one was ever going to touch me with my shepard by my side.
Just to let you know since you always remind me of your endearing love for cats....Shepherds are great, sure beats a cat.
I raised one from a pup. My mother kept trying to raise it her way. She turned that dog so that it attacked me if I hugged my mother....
Oh.... and I was left out of the will 30 years later.
Thats what cats do, piss on things they're not supposed to, walk on counter tops and the kitchen table after leaving the litter box with dingle-berries hanging from their fur. Glad to hear yours are healthy so you have many more happy years of that kind of friendship.The send you their regards by urinating on your tires.
Funny stuff. I grow up with German Shepards and my first dog as an adult was one too, great dogs. Mine were more hand to hand or mouth to hand combat. My Mom never worried about me when I was a kid. No one was ever going to touch me with my shepard by my side.
Man's best friend...........
They guard me like I'm God.Glad to hear yours are healthy so you have many more happy years of that kind of friendship.
Home cooked lean hamburg, chicken, and BumbleBee Tuna....