Name that part


Old Man with a Hat
Nov 20, 2014
Reaction score
Around Town
Ok got a head scratcher for the brain pool. Yes its a radio dial, 20s 30s? Factory or aftermarket out of what car / year? Thanks all.
It's definitely the head of an old AM radio. I'd say 30's vintage. I think that one clamped to the steering column, but I could be wrong.

Most were aftermarket and I'd say this is too. The radio itself is obviously missing.

I have some links, somewhere, to old radios. Let me look.
I can't find anything about the Clarion control head.

Here's a Ford control to show you something similar.


That would connect to something like this, probably mounted on the firewall. The volume and tuning cables were metal, like speedometer cables and the actual "pots" are down on the radio.

I've been looking for Clarion radios and found a few table top radios from the 30's. I can't find a good history of the company though.... Wikipedia shows it as a Japanese company started in 1940, and not using the Clarion name until 1970. I'll bet they either bought Clarion or the rights to the Clarion name around then.

I remember them in the 60's as an aftermarket supplier of tape decks etc.

For example: Radio Attic's Archives - Clarion 80 (1931)
Thanks for the help Big John, The only thing I've found so far that matches up, is a vintage 20s advertisement.
clarion_1296x (1).jpg