Need some help picking a carb


Aug 8, 2015
Reaction score
Portage, PA
Hey guys, I am swapping a stock 1976 440 into my 67 New Yorker that the previous owner slapped a 361 into. My question is, what is a good, affordable carb that will work well on a stock 440? Also, is there a decent electronic distributor that can be had that doesnt cost an arm and a leg. I just want to get this thing on the road and drive it before winter hits. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

As many here will tell you I prefer a nice Edelbrock 1406 over just about any other. It is modeled after the Carter AFB's that came on mid 60's big blocks or a 1806 Eddy which is based on a Carter AVS (Vacuum secondaries). I like the Eddy's because they are easy to tune and are reliable. On a 76 440 a Thermoquad would have been the likely carb on it but IMO stay away from it. They are great carbs when tuned correctly but that rarely happens in my experience. A few members here are good with them I am just not one of them. As for a dizzy you could spend a lot of money on a HEI setup but I wouldn't. Go with a simple post 73 electronic dizzy with a Mopar Orange box ECU. You can pick up a reman at Summit or RockAuto etc as well as the box. I have used the Mopar conversion kit from Summit with good results. These are my suggestions but I am sure more are forthcoming from the collective!
I will sing the praises to high heaven all day long for the Eddy 1406.
File under: For every reason you give for another carb, I will give you ten more for this one.
As many here will tell you I prefer a nice Edelbrock 1406 over just about any other. It is modeled after the Carter AFB's that came on mid 60's big blocks or a 1806 Eddy which is based on a Carter AVS (Vacuum secondaries). I like the Eddy's because they are easy to tune and are reliable. On a 76 440 a Thermoquad would have been the likely carb on it but IMO stay away from it. They are great carbs when tuned correctly but that rarely happens in my experience. A few members here are good with them I am just not one of them. As for a dizzy you could spend a lot of money on a HEI setup but I wouldn't. Go with a simple post 73 electronic dizzy with a Mopar Orange box ECU. You can pick up a reman at Summit or RockAuto etc as well as the box. I have used the Mopar conversion kit from Summit with good results. These are my suggestions but I am sure more are forthcoming from the collective!
Thank you both!
What they said. I run a 1409 (750 cfm) but the 1406 will be fine.
I have an eldelbrock 1406 carb my 440. It runs great even though it is I guess it is 600 or 650 cfm. My problem is starting when hot. I added an insulator [3/8 inch] from edelbrock and it made no difference in hot starts.
The only thing you will need I think is an adapter since you have a late model 440 that has the spreadbore manifold set up for the thermoquad. Unless the manifold has been swapped out for a square bore unit. Let us know what it has so we can offer further advice.
The only thing you will need I think is an adapter since you have a late model 440 that has the spreadbore manifold set up for the thermoquad. Unless the manifold has been swapped out for a square bore unit. Let us know what it has so we can offer further advice.

Agreed ... swap out the spread bore manifold for a square bore and go an eddy carb
I run the Street Demon 625 cfm. Had to tune it for a 440, works well. They come tuned for a small block. You can get a reman. Street Demon on eBay from Holley at a good price then pick up a tuning kit, it come with jets, metering rods and springs. I also run a Chrysler reman electronic dist.with the springs, weights and vacuum advance from the old points dist.
The only thing you will need I think is an adapter since you have a late model 440 that has the spreadbore manifold set up for the thermoquad. Unless the manifold has been swapped out for a square bore unit. Let us know what it has so we can offer further advice.
Its just the factory intake manifold.

Leave the spread bore intake it is a very good piece just block the EGR valve and use adapter. Also I do not know if you are aware but the 76 engine has a cast crank so you will need to offset balance the Torque converter by welding weights on it or getting a B&M flexplate for a cast crank then you can use your 67 converter
I run the Street Demon 625 cfm. Had to tune it for a 440, works well. They come tuned for a small block. You can get a reman. Street Demon on eBay from Holley at a good price then pick up a tuning kit, it come with jets, metering rods and springs. I also run a Chrysler reman electronic dist.with the springs, weights and vacuum advance from the old points dist.

I bought the reman off ebay, worked great OOTB on a stock 440 square bore intake,
i got a used edelbrock 600 carb sittin right here, if you wanna buy it.

$150 + shipping - prob. about $160 total, depending on where you are.

- saylor
Leave the spread bore intake it is a very good piece just block the EGR valve and use adapter. Also I do not know if you are aware but the 76 engine has a cast crank so you will need to offset balance the Torque converter by welding weights on it or getting a B&M flexplate for a cast crank then you can use your 67 converter
Im using the transmission from the 76 as well. Hopefully that is able to be done. I was going to leave the 361 in it but the tranny leaked like crazy so I picked up this running and driving 76 440 with a non leaking tranny.
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